Saturday, September 27, 2014

Running Post-Stroke

Dean Reinke
Deans’ Stroke Musing
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

This is one of my long term goals. I know it's possible because others have done it already. Your PT should know all about these and have protocols to give to accomplish that goal. But since your PT won't have a protocol you'll have to cobble something together on your own.

My seven guides and instructors are:
  1. Tommye K. Meyer, author of Teaching Me to Run. I had to buy this book because library use is not long enough.
  2. Ida Dempsey,  Writer of  blog - Dream Run.
  3. Krissy, writer of blog - Not Fast Just Fabulous.
  4. Robert B Martinez - Stroke Survivor/Marathon Runner.
  5. John Murphy - STROKE: John Murphy's Story.
  6. Nelson Graves - After a Stroke, Running a Half-Marathon.
  7. There was a guy in a stroke survivor group in Minneapolis who told me about starting running again, 50 yards to begin with.
Wait, wait, there is an APTA report:
See here for Action observation of walking/running.

See the original article:

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