Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy New Year Everyone!

Richard (Dick) L. Burns
Live or Die: A Stroke of Good Luck
January 22, 2014

In my introductory blog, I had the opportunity to share some of my experiences as an advertising executive in Manhattan in the 1960s (a real life “Mad Man”).  I was part of a team that created the “Fruit of the Loom” guys, among many other recognizable brands, slogans and logos, until a hemorrhagic stroke tore my world apart on December 26, 1968.  That’s the day my wife was advised by doctors to publish my obituary.

Today, I’m thriving.  In fact, for the majority of the past 46 years, I’ve lived a happy, fulfilling life.  But it wasn’t easy, and it took a lot of hard work and determination.  I’ll always remember this admonition by a professor in college:  “One man’s tears are another’s lesson”.  Perhaps my tears can provide some direction to you or a loved one.  After all, I was considered dead once.

So, here’s the “dead” man’s eight steps to recovery and renovation:

Step One:  Reduce pampering and self-pity, and take positive actions.  In other words, “stand-up and be counted” and take responsibility for good or ill – block-out any insecurity and know that it’s going to be good.

Step Two:  Develop positive mental attitudes and actions that convey present day philosophy and activity.  Get with the times, with music, reading, television, computers, i-Phones, whatever it takes.  I found that by relating with young people, and even children, made my situation a lot easier.

Step Three:  Remember that mental gymnastics will properly follow physical well-being.  Understand the body and don’t baby it.  According to the U.S. Department of Health, exercise lowers the risk of stroke by 27 percent.  I figured if it worked that well to prevent stroke, it must work to help with rewiring and recovery.  Worth a try.  And, it worked.  I followed my exercise routine faithfully.  Even when I was tired.  Even when it was inconvenient.  Even when I just plain didn’t want to.

Step Four:  Regain normality in life as quickly as possible.  I reduced the amount of rest and made my “awake” hours count for more.  I forced myself to retire at a regular hour and rise at a regular hour each morning, just as I did in my working years.

Step Five:  Speak, read out loud.  I spoke with groups, spoke in public.  I took hold and tried to live a normal existence of being around and communicating with others, with all of the confusion, complications and responsibilities of life.

Step Six:  Learn new things.  I found that by stimulating my mind and educating myself helped me to become whole again.  Once I learned new things, I discovered that I could practice and improve on my new-found knowledge by sharing it with others.

Step Seven:  Listen to and follow medical advice.  I’m not going to climb mountains, scuba dive or win athletic events.  There are physical restrictions, more serious at first, but fewer as I continued to adapt to a new way of living.  I experimented with simple activities at first, and as things got easier, I challenged myself more and more.  Over time, I was able to do the things I was told that I wouldn’t be able to do.  While things like skiing were out of the question, fun alternatives such as golf, fishing and swimming, were soon a reality.

Step Eight:  This is the simplest step.  It’s reading and learning about medical advances, life today, triumphs of man against adversity.  Learning about activities that are of interest and that I might be able to do.  The avocations and hobbies that might allow me to be better, do better and achieve better.

There’s no doubt that I had my share of tears.  But once I was able to look past my self-pity, and focus on the positive opportunities and outcomes, I began to persevere.  I hope that my past can somehow provide insight to your future.

Richard Burns

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