Saturday, September 19, 2015

Assembling the "A Team"

Marcelle Greene
Up Stroke
Monday, September 19, 2011

I had several bad experiences with healthcare professionals assigned to my case: An occupational therapist, a neurologist, and a physical therapist who, though he specialized in neurological conditions, should be rehabilitating buff guys with sports injuries. My progress was simply too slow for him, and I left every session heavy with his disappointment.

Fortunately, previous medical problems taught me I don't have to work with the first provider assigned to my case, that I need to trust my instincts, and that I need to act as my own advocate no matter how much I want to lie down and play the sick patient.

The professionals I choose to work with have several things in common: They listen, they respect my instincts, and they are able to clearly communicate their knowledge to me.

My medical team consists of:
  1. Occupational therapist (covered by insurance)
  2. Exercise physiologist/chiropractor (not covered)
  3. Massage therapist (not covered)
  4. Acupuncturist (covered)
  5. Doctor of Physical Medicine (covered)
  6. Neurologist (covered)
I call the first three my "A Team." Each of them has done as much for my emotional rehabilitation as my physical. In the 21st century, doctors who don't understand the importance of attitude – and their influence over it – should consider an alternative career … pouring cement, perhaps.

I've talked to people who have trouble finding the right health care provider. My advice: Keep looking. A good one makes all the difference.

See the original article:

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