Saturday, May 10, 2014

Video: Fatigue

I. Fatigue after a Stroke

Stroke: What the Eyes Tell Us

Published on Oct 20, 2013

Stroke is sudden and comes as a big shock to the body. In the first few days after stroke, many patients report feeling drowsy and unable to concentrate. While this drowsiness usually resolves within the first week or two, many stroke patients struggle with ongoing fatigue. This fatigue often persists despite good recovery in other stroke-related symptoms, such as weakness.

What I want to understand is whether the drowsiness that we see early after stroke is related to fatigue in the longer term. The major obstacle in answering this important question is that we don't have an accurate and objective way to measure drowsiness in acute stroke.

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Standard YouTube License @ AtThe Florey

Cognitive Therapy + Exercise Relieves Stroke Fatigue

Uploaded on Feb 28, 2012

The persistent fatigue that can linger for months and even years following a stroke currently has no treatment.

A new study suggest a combination of talk therapy and exercise might help. Researchers in the Netherlands recruited 83 stroke patients suffering from chronic fatigue and assigned them to one of two groups: one group underwent 12 weeks of cognitive therapy that was conducted in small groups; the other group underwent cognitive therapy plus exercise training.

At the end of the 12 weeks, 58% of the participants in the cognitive therapy plus exercise group experienced a "clinically relevant" improvement in fatigue, compared to only 24% in the group that received just cognitive therapy.

Once again, exercise to the rescue. Frankly it only makes sense that the benefit of exercising in reawakening and invigorating the mind and body can help many people no matter what their condition.

Standard YouTube License @ Anthony Cirillo

Life After My Stroke - Fatigue, Doctors & Hardship

Published on Jun 20, 2013

SSTattler: I have two YouTube by the DJ 'briansredd' in previous Stroke Survivors Tattler; very nice rambling... See his lastest ADJ Light Show At Prolight+Sound 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Even more ramblings from me :)

Standard YouTube License @ briansredd

Peter Langhorne: Post Stroke Complications

Uploaded on Jun 29, 2011

SSTattler: He talks about 'Post-Stroke Fatigue' -- I started Youtube at 4:29 minutes; if you want to see it from the begin just restart YouTube at 0:00 Minutes.

Depression, anxiety, emotionalism, fatigue, pain, musculoskeletal pain, shoulder pain, spasticity, central post stroke pain

Standard YouTube License @ TasmanianACRCN 

II. Chronic Fatigue (very common after a stroke)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Published on Nov 1, 2011

Kim talks with Doctor Oz about how Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects your memory and lymph nodes.

Standard YouTube License @ WXII 12 News

What Is Causing Your Fatigue?

Published on Oct 6, 2013

For free resources on CFS visit

How to fix chronic fatigue syndrome, how to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, tips for chronic fatigue syndrome, remedy for chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome remedies, recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome, how long does it take to get better from chronic fatigue syndrome, cure chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome help, living with chronic fatigue syndrome, what to do for chronic fatigue syndrome, best thing for chronic fatigue syndrome, how to sleep with chronic fatigue syndrome, stop tiredness from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Standard YouTube License @ Toby Morrison

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not Depression

Published on Oct 1, 2013

For free resources on CFS visit

Standard YouTube License @ Toby Morrison

Max Hart on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Published on Jul 2, 2013

Max Hart shares his personal experience of living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the positive outcomes he has had since being in treatment with Toby Morrison of the CFS Health Centre in Melbourne. Visit for more information.

Standard YouTube License @ Toby Morrison

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Brendan's Testimonial

Published on Mar 25, 2013

On track to recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Brendan shares his story of how Toby Morrison, founder of CFS Health Clinic, helped Brendan through with the 12 week program. Find out more at

Standard YouTube License @ Toby Morrison

Stanford's Dr. Jose Montoya on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Uploaded on Mar 11, 2011

SSTattler: Excellent lecture but it is long - 1hr 13min.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

A disorder that causes extreme fatigue that is unchanged with rest and which interferes with one's ability to attend to daily activities. Discussion about CFS and current research regarding diagnosis and treatment and the possible CFS-infection connection.

Speaker: Jose G. Montoya, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases

Standard YouTube License @ StanfordHospital 

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