Saturday, May 17, 2014

Video: Art of Memory

We divided two broadly types in this SSTattler:
I.   Problems of Memory, and,
II. Training to Get Better.

I. Problems of Memory

UK Stroke Assembly 2013 - Memory Problems

Published on Nov 21, 2013

This film was shown at the start of a session at the 2013 UK Stroke Assembly. It describes some stroke survivors' and carers' experiences of memory problems following a stroke.

Standard YouTube License @ thestrokeassociation 

Silent Strokes Tied to Memory Loss Among Older Adults

Uploaded on Jan 31, 2012

A massive stroke - when a blood vessel in the brain bursts - can leave someone paralyzed, mute or dead. The World Health Organization says at least six million people died from strokes in 2008 alone. But not everyone recognizes when they've had a mild stroke, which may not cause any symptoms. New research indicates these so-called 'silent' strokes affect more people than previously thought. And they can cause memory loss in one out of four older adults. VOA's Melinda Smith has details.

Standard YouTube License @ VOAvideo

Sally Buttshaw, Stroke Memory Recovery

Published on Dec 17, 2013

When Sally Buttshaw suffered a stroke, it impaired her ability to recall information. Using memory techniques, she has regained her ability. These techniques can help anyone keep their memory strong. Speech and Language Pathologist Rich DeWitt from Asante Rehabilitation shows how.

Standard YouTube License @ Asante

Memory Declines Years Before Stroke Strikes

Uploaded on Feb 2, 2012

Memory is already impaired years before a stroke occurs, declining most rapidly in people destined to suffer a fatal stroke, according to a population-based study of more than 11,000 people. Dr. Maria Glymour discusses the results. See the related story at

Standard YouTube License @ ElsGlobalMedicalNews 

Cogmed: Stroke Brain Injury and Working Memory Training

Uploaded on Dec 29, 2008

Cogmed CEO Jonas Jendi discusses the benefits of working memory training for victims of stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Standard YouTube License @ Cogmed Working Memory Training 

Speech Language Pathology 2 : How to Improve Short Term Memory Loss

Uploaded on Sep 23, 2010

Memory loss may be due to stroke, head trauma, nerve damage, old age or even having a busy schedule. Improve your short term memory with the tips given by a speech language pathologist in this free video on short term memory loss.

Expert: Odelia Mirzadeh Contact:

Series Description: A speech and language pathologist, often referred to as a speech therapist, is a licensed health care professional who diagnoses, evaluates, and treats children and adults with speech impairments, as well as communication difficulties. Understand more about speech language and pathology with the helpful advice from a speech and language pathologist in this free video series on speech language pathology.

Standard YouTube License @ ehowhealth

II. Training to Get Better

Lumosity's Mike Scanlon On Exercising The Brain | Founder Stories

Published on Apr 5, 2013

SSTattler: Many stroke survivors love Lumosity; you will have to evaluate, it is good or not.

Lumosity is an online training program for your brain that helps you improve memory, attention and other cognitive abilities. KPCB partner Mike Abbott talks to Mike Scanlon, co-founder of Lumosity, about his work in the field of neuroscience and helping people improve their memories and brain functions.

Subscribe to TechCrunch TV today:

Standard YouTube License @ TechCrunch

Do Brain Games Really Make You Smarter?

Published on May 8, 2013

SSTattler: Hmmm, yes and no ....

There's a lot of conflicting research out there about brain training games. It seems like they're helpful, but are they actually working to improve our intelligence? Anthony wades through the research to determine the actual value of brain games.

Read More:

Brain Teaser Games May Slow Aging Mind "Challenging yourself with a brain-teasing game for just two hours a week may help slow the degree of mental decay associated with the natural aging process, a new study finds."

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Training Using a Visual Speed of Processing Intervention in Middle Aged and Older Adults "Age-related cognitive decline is common and may lead to substantial difficulties and disabilities in everyday life. We hypothesized that 10 hours of visual speed of processing training would prevent age-related declines and potentially improve cognitive processing speed."

Online Brain-Training: Does it Really Work? "Websites that claim to increase concentration, verbal reasoning and memory have become big business, despite research that challenges their effectiveness."

Q&A: New Evidence Shows Brain-Training Games Don't Work  "The desire to improve our cognitive ability through brain-training games has turned into what is said to be a trillion-dollar industry."

Do Brain Games Work?  "A few new studies, including one meta-analysis, suggest brain games don't make you any better at anything but playing brain games."

Putting Brain Training to the Test  "'Brain training', or the goal of improved cognitive function through the regular use of computerized tests, is a multimillion-pound industry1, yet in our view scientific evidence to support its efficacy is lacking."

Working Memory Training Does Not Improve Intelligence in Healthy Young Adults  "Jaeggi and her colleagues claimed that they were able to improve fluid intelligence by training working memory."

Standard YouTube License @ DNews

Lumosity Review - How Lumosity Brain Games Improve Brain Function

Published on Jan 3, 2013

Read The Complete Lumosity Review Here:

Research shows thаt сеrtаіn types оf mental exercise саn enhance thе health аnd function оf thе brain. Our scientists hаvе engineered dozens оf engaging games wіth thіѕ discovery іn mind, аnd studies hаvе confirmed thаt Lumosity training саn improve memory, attention, аnd оthеr cognitive areas.

Standard YouTube License @ Danielle Miller

The Art of Memory: Daniel Kilov at TedxMacquarieUniversity

Published on Sep 12, 2012

SSTattler: There is some audio difficulties but it does not effect the whole production of YouTube.

Hav­ing strug­gled with orga­ni­za­tional skills as a symp­tom of his poor mem­ory all through high school, Daniel sought out meth­ods to improve his mem­ory. It was then that he dis­cov­ered the "Art of Mem­ory", a loosely asso­ci­ated group of mnemonic prin­ci­ples and tech­niques used to orga­nize mem­ory impres­sions, improve recall, and assist in the com­bi­na­tion and 'inven­tion' of ideas. These tech­niques are some­times referred to as mnemotech­nics, and are employed by mem­ory ath­letes to per­form remark­able feats of learning.

Shortly after­wards, Daniel sought out Australia's most suc­cess­ful mem­ory ath­lete, Tansel Ali. Daniel was trained pri­vately by Tansel and at the 2011 Aus­tralian Mem­ory Cham­pi­onships Daniel man­aged to secure sec­ond place behind his coach and men­tor, and third place in the com­pe­ti­tion over­all. He also broke the Aus­tralian record for the abstract images event and is the offi­cial holder of that record, hav­ing mem­o­rized the order of 99 abstract shapes.

Daniel now espouses the value of mem­ory tech­niques as a poten­tial rev­o­lu­tion in edu­ca­tion, both in the tra­di­tional sense of the word and, because as a mat­ter of his­tor­i­cal fact, the art of mem­ory formed the cor­ner­stone of edu­ca­tion from the time of the Ancient Greeks, up until the renais­sance. When we use mem­ory tech­niques, we revolve back to the ancient and effec­tive art of learn­ing, mem­o­riz­ing and composition.

Standard YouTube License @ TED

Brain Training Helps Stroke Victim Improve Memory at LearningRX

Uploaded on Oct 2, 2009

Brain Training helps this 27 year old stroke victim improve his memory at LearningRx He can recite all 44 presidents by memory using some of the memory visualization skills he has aquired at LearningRx.

To learn more about what we do to make learning easier, contact us via phone at: 610-440-3600 or visit our website at: we really do Make Learning Easier, find out how we can help you in your situation. If you like, you could also shoot us an email at to ask whatever questions you may have.

Standard YouTube License @ LearningRxPA01 

The 10! Show Discusses Brain Training with LearningRX

Uploaded on Mar 31, 2010

SSTattler: LearningRX trains stroke client get better; this video talk, mostly, about kids but it is for stroke as well.

LearningRx center director Janet Rutzel sits down with 10! Show host Lori to discuss the benefits of brain training and the benefits of the LearningRx program.

Visit our website to see how we make learning easier: or give us a call to discuss your situation 610-440-3600.

We look forward to working with you to see how we can help.

Standard YouTube License @ LearningRxPA01 

Cogmed: Cogmed QM Demonstration

Uploaded on Dec 29, 2008

A brief demonstration of Cogmed QM, a new working memory training program designed especially for adults with attention problems.

Standard YouTube License @ Cogmed Working Memory Training 

Improve Short Term Memory, how to Improve Short Term Memory Loss, Exercises

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2009

Sharpen your memory. The games in this course will help you work on your spatial and working memory, and face-name recall.

* improve short term memory,
* improve short term memory loss,
* improve short term memory games,
* how to improve short term memory loss,
* how to improve short term memory in children,
* exercises to improve short term memory,
* games to improve short term memory,
* how to improve short term memory,
* how to improve short term memory loss,
* how to improve your short term memory,
* improve my short term memory,
* improve your short term memory,
* improving short term memory,
* short term memory improvement,
* ways to improve short term memory.

Standard YouTube License @ Adam Jones

Lumosity Brain Training Games - Lumosity Games - Familiar Faces

Uploaded on May 19, 2010 Great games to enhance your brain abilities.

In this game we have to use the blue arrow to help prient yourself as the iceberg spins.

Standard YouTube License @ leahonline51

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