Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturdays Comics - Nov/24/2012

For Better and For Worse
Lynn Johnston / 2007-05-19
"As if he'd never had a stroke at all."

Scott Adams / 2012-11-20
"Persistence is the key to success. The other..."

Jim Davis / 2012-11-20
"It's not healthy to feed pets to people food!"
Delainey & Rasmussen / 2012-11-19
" 'Find My Employees' it's one of our apps!"
For Better and For Worse" is a serious topic of stroke but with a very nice cartoons. It is all about Grandpa Jim had a stroke and 88 further cartoon "strips" that happened to Grandpa Jim. (See as well  the author Lynn Johnston).
** I tried to get low or free price at the people for the images for the cartoons. It was too high for Stroke Survivors Tattler i.e. we are not a regular newspaper and our budget is very low. Fortunately, you will have to do only 1-click more to see the cartoon image, it is legit and it is free using and
*** Changed from "Pickles" to "Betty" -- "Betty" is a excellent cartoon and Gary Delainey & Gerry Rasmussen are authors/artists/cartoon-strips and they live in Edmonton.

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