Jo Murphey The Murphey Saga |
Each year since my stroke I've toyed with the idea of making a film for this...once again I've failed to act on it. The deadline was February 25th. Heaving a big sigh. Maybe next year...again.
It's not like I don't have anything to say. The Good Lord knows as well as my readers know that I have plenty to say. Having up to five minutes to do it in is great.
Some ideas I had for topics...all having to do with adjusting to my life after a stroke.
- Adaptable homesteading single-handedly was the first major topic I could think. It would involve cooking, preserving, gardening, and animal care.
- The second was sort of based on the previous theme, by going into detail about angora rabbit care, harvesting their wool, spinning it into yarn, and how I knit now.
- When the stroke survivor is the primary caregiver for another in their house.
- Dry Needling. Yep I'm sold on this modality. A before, during and after of upper and lower limb spasticity.
That should read "New Resting angle" |
Not only am I facing challenges that every other homesteader faces but I'm basically doing it on my own with no assistance because I don't have the help of a fully able spouse. There in lies part of the problem. There is no one able to video tape me doing any of this. The other part of the problem is not having a video camera. I don't own a tablet or one of those smart phones to even make do. The only video editor I have is the one that came with my computer. So I really have no way of making a video at all short of doing a power point video and doing a voice over.
I've been inspired by the videos I've seen over the past three years and look forward to them this year. Anyhow, I'm still dreaming of the day when I make my own video and submit it. Not that the $1,000 prize is nothing to sneeze at. I could do a lot with that. The trip to Washington, D.C. Well that's a hurdle. But I've used to live there so it isn't so exciting to me as it would be to some others. I couldn't leave my hubby for that trip. There's always respite care if push came to shove.
Nothing is impossible with determination.
See the original article:
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