Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturday News


Def'n: Dysarthria (Motor Speech Disorders)

Dysarthria From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See as well: Ataxia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - (from Greek α- [a negative prefix] + -τάξις [order] = "lack of order"), is a neurological sign consisting of lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements.

Human Vocal Tract
Manner of Articulation
Dysarthria ('dys' meaning abnormal or difficult; 'arthr' meaning articulating) is a motor speech disorder resulting from neurological injury of the motor component of the motor-speech system and is characterized by poor articulation of phonemes (cf. aphasia: a disorder of the content of language). In other words, it is a condition in which problems occur with the muscles that help one talk; this makes it very difficult to pronounce words. It is unrelated to any problem with understanding cognitive language. Any of the speech subsystems (respiration, phonation, resonance, prosody, and articulation) can be affected, leading to impairments in intelligibility, audibility, naturalness, and efficiency of vocal communication.

Video: Dysarthria (Motor Speech Disorders)

Ataxic Dysarthria 

Published on Oct 29, 2012

Saturday Comics

1) For Better and For Worse - Grandpa Jim had a stroke and Lynn Johnston told 1 to 88 comic strips what happened to him.  He died at 89 years old.  SSTattler told this last week is the end of Grandpa Jim. Please see FBaFW 2008-08-31 below. 
2) BTW it is the real story and you can read it about "A Real-Life Experience -- Lynn Johnston".

For Better and For Worse
Lynn Johnston - 2008-08-31

"Jim passed away at the age 89..."
Scott Adams - 2013-11-29

"The government in your browser history as firewall against Elbonian hackers!"

Jim Davis - 2013-11-25

"Good morning, Mr. Grumpy!"

Delainey & Rasmussen - 2013-11-28

"He passed out..."

*For Better and For Worse" is a serious topic of stroke but with a very nice cartoons. It is all about Grandpa Jim had a stroke and 88 further cartoon "strips" that happened to Grandpa Jim. See as well 
 the cartoonist Lynn Johnston.
** I tried to get low or free price at the people for the images for the cartoons. It was too high for Stroke Survivors Tattler i.e. we are not a regular newspaper and our budget is very low. Fortunately, you will have to do only 1-click more to see the cartoon image, it is legit and it is free using and
*** Changed from "Pickles" to "Betty" -- "Betty" is a excellent cartoon and Gary Delainey & Gerry Rasmussen are authors/artists/cartoon-strips and they live in Edmonton.

Eclectic Stuff

Definition: Eclectic(noun) a person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

Dysarthria is More Than a Slip of the Tongue

Rebecca Dutton
Home After a Stroke
November 25, 2013

I had a stroke in the brain stem which connects the brain to the spinal cord. My stroke attacked a part of the brain stem called the pons - the bridge to the cerebellum which controls coordination.  The inability to coordinate muscles of my lips, cheeks, and tongue made my speech severely slurred (dysarthria).  The good news is that I never lost the ability to understand what people were saying.  The bad news is that people could not understand me.

Incoordination of my diaphragm, which controls breathing, also made speaking difficult.  To speak you have to let your breath out slowly.  At first I exhaled explosively in one big gasp.  I had to repeatedly take extra breaths to finish even one sentence.  I gradually regained the ability to say more before running out of breath.  It is still tiring to speak in a group because I have to take many deep breaths to be heard.  Thankfully people never have trouble understanding me on the telephone.  I speak into an ear bud so I never have to raise my voice which requires more air.

In nine years my dysarthria has never fully disappeared.  When I am not fully awake or I am tired my speech is still somewhat slurred.  I know this because people start staring at my mouth so they can read my lips. Sometimes I have to think about taking a full breathe because I am speaking too softly.  I know this because people start saying "What?" after I speak.

I asked for help in the grocery store last night.  The woman who helped me scowled and looked at me like I was retarded.  After she left I realized I was incomprehensible because I was speaking so softly.

See the original article:


Amy Shissler
My Cerebellar Stroke Recovery
Sep 25, 2013

When I started writing this blog, I hadn’t found my voice.  Writing voice, that is.  When I started writing this, I was just a physical therapist who had a stroke and I thought that I knew some stuff.  I’m still that and will always be that.  I’m still a PT who had a stroke.  But now I know that I know nothing.  Ok, that’s not true.  I know some stuff, but everybody knows some stuff.  I now know that I knew NOTHING – less than nothing, absolutely nothing about recovering from a stroke.  No one knows anything.  Ok, some people know some stuff but not a whole hell of a lot and no one knows how to get a stroke survivor to full recovery.  That’s where Dean comes in.  :)   If you want to get to full recovery you better do your own research.

Speech Therapy for Dysarthria Demystified

Mark A. Ittleman
The Teaching Of Talking
Published on Oct 23, 2013

People who have dysarthria have slurred speech that is often difficult to understand. Many people with dysarthria have been constantly told to "slow down," and that rarely does any good as far as speaking improvement.

Listen and watch at Mark Ittleman, M.S. Speech Language Pathologist with 41 years of clinical experience explains dysarthria and how he approaches the successful improvement of speaking using the Teaching of Talking Method.

Standard YouTube License @ Mark Ittlema

Sen. Mark Kirk Has Skin in the Game. Twice.

Peter G. Levine
Stronger After Stroke Blog
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Below is a video of Sen. Mark Kirk. He had a stroke back in January. He appears to have left hemiparesis, and some dysarthria. He seems like a really hard worker who deserves to get every bit of recovery he can. He's a great inspiration. But.... He has this line at the very end of the video:
"I can't wait to go back to work to vote to spend less..."
He is a fan of the way health care is being run now. And I guess he should be. It seems as if no expense was spared in his case. He probably has money, and that doesn't hurt. But much of it was paid for by his congressional healthcare plan. And here's some funny...

"Repealing President Obama’s healthcare law would let members of Congress keep their government-subsidized insurance coverage after they retire — a benefit they lost under the health law."

Standard YouTube License @ SenatorKirk

Full article here.

See the original article:

Aphasia vs. Dysarthria:
Finding The Right Words, Then Saying Them Wrong...

The Pink House On The Corner
Sunday, May 19, 2013

I think the worst thing, at least for me, after the stroke was Bob's inability to speak. I always told myself that it would be easier deal with all of his physical limitations, if only he could speak to me. Tell me what was on his mind. Talk about what he was feeling.

Bob has struggled with speech now for over two years and continues to struggle. But he has come a long way, baby. From his initial grunts and gurgles, to calling everything "window" or "radio", to short phrases such as "I love you" and "Turn it up", to complete sentences that sometimes even make sense. And it seems to me that the aphasia is slowly "clearing" up or at least getting less severe. He does seem to be finally finding "the words"... This while physically he seems to be deteriorating.

Yesterday, he said a complete 11 word sentence, which went like this: "I want to thank you from the heart of my heart." This was after I just cleaned him up from a bowel movement. I swear, my heart soared! Even though I knew he meant "from the bottom of my heart". Still, it's good to hear his voice again.

Then dysarthria rears its ugly head...

Embrace #SocialMedia Because It’s Damn good!

Kate Allatt
A Rocky Stroke Recovery
September 5, 2013

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linked in are FAB!!
It’s no secret that I used my Beating Locked in Syndrome Facebook page as soon as I could move my right thumb and index finger, at the nurses station computer back in May 2010.

Why was it SO amazing?
  1. It gave me access to the big wide world, because all I’d known is The Northern General Hospital in Sheffield for months.
  2. It allowed me to convey my trapped personality on a level playing field, with everyone else, because my Dysarthria & Dysphagia wasn’t evident. So, I wasn’t judged, and the banter flew! (My spelling and grammar took a turn for the stroke worst though!)
  3. It allowed me to compete against myself, which is good ‘cos I’m very competitive! for example, I’d pledge to sit unaided on a bench for 20 minutes or eat 3 petit Filous yoghurts or to twitch an ankle.  I’d invariably do it, so I’d raise the steaks the next day! The encouragement from my online friends spurred me on.
  4. We were able to live out a real soap opera, as Mark and I, had weekly tiffs on my wall!! (Didn’t think to inbox and great entertainment, I’m told!)

National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

Dean Reinke
Deans' Stroke Musing
Monday, September 23, 2013

National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

One more problem to correct. It bills itself as an objective scale. Testing secondary problems is not helpful. The best solution would be to quantify the dead area size and location, then quantify the penumbra size and location. The existing scale has absolutely no use in any type of comparison or usefulness in therapy. But our doctors continue down this stupidity. My score would have been 11 - moderate. That told no one anything useful.

National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search

The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, or NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is a tool used by healthcare providers to objectively quantify the impairment caused by a stroke. The NIHSS is composed of 11 items, each of which scores a specific ability between a 0 and 4. For each item, a score of 0 typically indicates normal function in that specific ability, while a higher score is indicative of some level of impairment. The individual scores from each item are summed in order to calculate a patient's total NIHSS score. The maximum possible score is 42, with the minimum score being a 0 .....

See the whole article:

Sunday Stoke Survival ~ This and That

Jo Murphey
The Murphey Saga
Sunday, November 24, 2013

I find that I'm spending quite a few hours on You Tube these days. One because it's quick snippets of information and two because it's entertaining.

With my current lifestyle of crisis management and turn on a dime decision making, I can't really do much else that is time consuming. You Tube is the answer.

No this isn't mine but close.
I've watched tons of videos about square foot gardening... something I'm going to try in the Spring to get a better handle on planting and harvesting my above ground garden. When energy and time spent are governing factors it made sense. I've also been researching how to build a bigger cage for Babs, my gorgeous bunnykins, she's getting a bit cramped in hers, and different ways to feed her other than store bought pellets. But that's not all...

Criss Angel BeLIEve Cut in Half

Monty Becker
Stroke Survivors Tattler
Published on Oct 9, 2013

It's a lovely day at the park for Criss Angel to demonstrate to some bystanders how fun it is to pull apart a couple by their torsos and switch their bodies up.

Tune in to the series premiere of Criss Angel: BeLIEve on October 15 at 10/9c on SPIKE.

For more information, visit

Standard YouTube License @ CrissAngel

Robert's Wedding

Jackie Poff
Stroke Survivors Tattler
Robert, 85, married Jenny, a lovely 25 year old... Since her new husband is so old, Jenny decides that after their wedding she and Robert should have separate bedrooms, because she is concerned that her new but aged.

Husband may over-exert himself if they spend the entire night together. After the wedding festivities Jenny prepares herself for bed and the expected knock on the door. Sure enough the knock comes, the door opens and there is Robert, her 85 year old groom, ready for action. They unite as one. All goes well, Robert takes leave of his bride, and she prepares to go to sleep.

After a few minutes, Jenny hears another knock on her bedroom door, and it's Robert, again he is ready for more 'action'. Somewhat surprised, Jenny consents for more coupling. When the newly weds are done, Robert kisses his bride, bids her a fond good night and leaves.

She is set to go to sleep again, but, aha, you guessed it Robert is back again, rapping on the door and is as fresh as a 25 - year-old, ready for more 'action'. And, once more they enjoy each other.

But as Robert gets set to leave again, his young bride says to him, 'I am thoroughly impressed that at your age you can perform so well and so often. I have been with guys less than a third of your age who were only good once. You are truly a great lover, Robert.'

Robert, somewhat embarrassed, turns to Jenny and says: 'You mean I was here already?'

The moral of the story:
Don't be afraid of getting old, Alzheimer's has its advantages.

Are You Positive?

Barb Polan
Barb's Recovery
November 11, 2013

I just finished reading Barbara Ehrenreich's "Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America."

Sound negative?

Reading the book was freeing: for the first time post-stroke, someone has said something that perfectly expresses what I've thought, but been afraid to say without sounding bitter, envious, (i.e., negative). Here we go:

Ehrenreich has lived through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment (Let's not even discuss why she hates being called a "survivor.") When she attended a Relay for Life event for the first time, she found the remembrance luminaria ceremony poignant, but the survivors' lap was something else,

The Invaluable Hearing Aids, aka Me? Wrong? You Betcha!

Joyce Hoffman
The Tales of a Stroke Patient
Nov 24, 2013

In June, 2001, when I started a new job, I was a Technical Trainer and Compliance Administrator, all by myself, for close to 15,000 people. The compliance system we had consisted of reading a set of compliance regulations, like Fire Procedures, Hazardous Materials, and Safety in the Workplace, and answering a series of questions about them. As soon as July rolled around in '01, a high level meeting took place with the CEO, CIO, President of the Health System, and other muckety-muck types.  I was furtively taking notes because it was my responsibility and I didn't want to miss anything, but I missed half of the discussion and didn't even know it. I felt an arm in my ribs.

"They're talking to you," a new friend whispered.

I looked up, but I could barely hear the discussion around me. "Yes?" I asked.

The Chairman of the Board repeated the question and I was reading his lips. Then about 10 minutes passed and it happened again. That's when I first learned I was hard of hearing.

Treat or Trick

Grace Carpenter
My Happy Stroke
Monday, November 25, 2013

On Halloween, I stayed at the house, while my husband went around the neighborhood with my daughter and some of her friends. They were the first trick-or-treaters to arrive at our house, and I could hear their excited chatter as they came up the steps. I was a little bit nervous. I wanted to greet them with the right mix of warmth, surprise, and admiration. I was also nervous about spilling the candy, taking too long to open the door, or tripping on the rug.

The doorbell rang. I opened the door, I mustered my enthusiasm and and said,
"Trick or treat!" 
The children looked at me. I looked at the children. After a moment's hesitation, the children dug in to the candy bowl. As the children started to file back down the stairs, my daughter looked at me.
"Mom, you don't have to say 'treat-or-treat,'" she said coldly, without waiting for my response before leaving.
Did she understand that the aphasia that made me say the wrong thing, I wondered? Or is she already feeling that all moms are clueless, anyways?

I closed the door. Under my breath, I said: "Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween!"

See the original article:

'Will Become Perfect'

Jeff Porter
Stroke of Faith
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

(Photo from Wikimedia Commons)
Last Friday, people in the United States and around the world marked the 50th anniversary of the tragic death of President John Kennedy.

Another great figure died the exact same day - great Christian apologist C.S. Lewis.

Recently, I received an email from The Ranch with this great C.S. Lewis quote:
Those who put themselves in His hands will become perfect, as He is perfect - perfect in love, wisdom, joy, beauty, health, and immortality. The change will not be completed in this life, for death is an important part of the treatment. How far the change will have gone before death in any particular Christian is uncertain.
As a stroke survivor, I'm damaged goods in this imperfect body. Indeed, you can't find any perfect human being. Not on this side of the great divide. But as Lewis reminded his readers, perfection awaits all who accept it.

See the original article:

Empowering Thoughts

Shari Bookstaff
Bookstaff's Blog
Sunday, November 24, 2013

I've had a tough week, physically. I've been getting really tired, my eye was bothering me, etc. On top of that, some guy in a truck actually got out of his vehicle to come to my window to yell at me for waiting for a parking spot at Safeway! A van was blocking all the spots, and I really couldn't go anywhere. Plus, he could have gone around me! Anyway, having a bad week all around.

Next birthday is the big 5-0, which everyone makes a big deal about. Seriously, though, with me it's really not the YEARS, it's the MILEAGE.

This morning, a thought occurred to me after I was tired from getting dressed: maybe I need to be in better shape than the average person to deal with life. Wouldn't it be awesome if I was in the BEST shape of my life at 50? Screw my "disability!"

After having this thought, I immediately wrote this blog. It's too easy to latch onto negative thoughts (especially when tired), so I decided to latch onto this positive thought instead.

Happy holidays everyone! Try to let go of negative thoughts/comments/ jerks and focus on empowering thoughts/comments/NICE people instead!

See the original article:

Henry Evans and Chad Jenkins:
      Meet The Robots for Humanity

Published on Nov 20, 2013

Paralyzed by a stroke, Henry Evans uses a telepresence robot to take the stage -- and show how new robotics, tweaked and personalized by a group called Robots for Humanity, help him live his life. He shows off a nimble little quadrotor drone, created by a team led by Chad Jenkins, that gives him the ability to navigate space -- to once again look around a garden, stroll a campus ... (Filmed at TEDxMidAtlantic.)

Standard YouTube License @ TED

RMR: Rick and Republic of Doyle

Uploaded on Jan 17, 2012

Rick joins Allan Hawco on the set of Republic of Doyle in St. John's, NL to learn the ins and outs of stunt driving.

Standard YouTube License @ The Rick Mercer Report


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Saturday News


Def'n: iPad for Stroke Survivors

iPad From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

   1) Apple from 2010 dominated the iPad market; today Android (Google,...) close in second. 
      Microsoft Surface RT failed (< 3% of the market).
   2) Stroke Survivors especially can use the iPad: 
         a) without the laptop / desktop - I use E-mail, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,... 
         b) use only 1 hand, if necessary, just fine for stroke survivors.
The iPad (/ˈaɪpæd/ eye-pad) is a line of tablet computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc., which runs Apple's iOS. The first iPad was released on April 3, 2010; the most recent iPad models, the fourth-generation iPad and iPad Mini, were released on November 2, 2012. The user interface is built around the device's multi-touch screen, including a virtual keyboard. The iPad has built-in Wi-Fi and, on some models, cellular connectivity.

An iPad can shoot video, take photos, play music, and perform Internet functions such as web-browsing and emailing. Other functions—games, reference, GPS navigation, social networking, etc.—can be enabled by downloading and installing apps. As of June 2013, the App Store has more than 900,000 apps by Apple and third parties.

Video: iPad for Stroke Survivors

      0) If you are Stroke Survivors and capable of using your laptop / desktop then your 
          task is go to the Apple Store and play with the iPad. Try a few apps, at least, 
         Apple utilities E-mail, Notes, Pages, Keynote, Numbers or Microsoft Excel, Word, 
         PowerPoint - they are equivalent.  You want to buy it or not but have fun...! 

    As well, you can see the menu of iPad of the YouTube below: 
      1) Stroke Survivors have problems of speech or cognitive - sample available on the 
          iPad. Many more available... 
      2) Doctors or soon to be - they will not carry a laptop BUT they love (and carry) 
          the iPad / info! 
      3) Difference between the iPad & Microsoft Surface RT.

1 - Stroke Survivors have problems of speech or cognitive

Florida Hospital Oceanside uses iPad to Help with Speech Therapy 

Uploaded on Jun 17, 2010

Florida Hospital Oceanside uses the new iPad to help stroke victims with their speech therapy.

Standard YouTube License @ FLHospital 

Saturday Comics

For Better and For Worse
Lynn Johnston - 2008-08-30

"Iris, you've taken such good care of grandpa Jim"
Scott Adams - 2013-11-22

"didn't understand any your tedious techo-yammering..."

Jim Davis - 2013-11-20

"Hi, I'm a plump little chipmunk !"

Delainey & Rasmussen - 2013-11-22

"Excellent choice - inspired by race drivers,..."

*For Better and For Worse" is a serious topic of stroke but with a very nice cartoons. It is all about Grandpa Jim had a stroke and 88 further cartoon "strips" that happened to Grandpa Jim. See as well 
 the cartoonist Lynn Johnston.
** I tried to get low or free price at the people for the images for the cartoons. It was too high for Stroke Survivors Tattler i.e. we are not a regular newspaper and our budget is very low. Fortunately, you will have to do only 1-click more to see the cartoon image, it is legit and it is free using and
*** Changed from "Pickles" to "Betty" -- "Betty" is a excellent cartoon and Gary Delainey & Gerry Rasmussen are authors/artists/cartoon-strips and they live in Edmonton.

Eclectic Stuff

Definition: Eclectic(noun) a person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

My Hand as a Tool

Barb Polan
Barb's Recovery
10th December 2011

Since I had the stroke, I - along with many others, including the OTs who have helped me - have bought into the concept that a hand is a tool and the arm is just a "delivery system" for the hand - putting the hand where it needs to be to work as desired.

Yesterday, though, I read the book "My Last Degree: A Therapist Goes Home After A Stroke," by Rebecca Dutton, an occupational therapist who had two strokes, wrote a book and has become an active, contributing member of the online stroke survivor community. (Rebecca: I hope you don't mind these and the following references to you and your work ).

Rebecca's book changed my view - and my opinion - of my arm:

Since the stroke, I have single-mindedly - along with single-handedly - pursued the awakening of my hand, seeing it as potentially far more functional than my arm. Rebecca's attitude is more along the lines of seeing the functionality of an arm - even a severely limited one.

Her book suggests tasks that an impaired, but somewhat controllable, arm can do. Since reading it, I have carried the following: a pair of flannel pajama pants, my wallet (cloth, so it has some friction), my cane (it has a rubber cushion that gives it LOTS of friction) and a book (Rebecca's) IN MY ARMPIT. It was only the book that caused me trouble; the cover is so slick that it slid out within seconds. Instead of retrying and having the same thing happen (yes, I can be taught, even now), I used my tried-and-true method: holding the book and my cane in the same hand, the book squashed against the cane handle. I save the in-the-shoulder-bag/messenger bag technique only for more fragile items (e.g., my iPad, coffee mugs, lunch dishes, wine glasses, etc.) and the toss-and-retrieve method only for really sturdy items (small garden implements, etc.) To try her approach for the book again, I would put it in something with friction on the outside (maybe a cloth or paper sack - or maybe I'd wrap it in my flannel pajama pants) and tuck it in my armpit again. Obviously, the carrying technique requires the ability to pull my upper arm in against my side, but, despite all that my arm cannot do, it can do that!

Many thanks to Rebecca.

See the original article:

Sunday Stroke Survival ~ Tablets

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Jo Murphey
The Murphey Saga

I know I'm late this morning.

First there was the ipad and now every maker has got their version of this handy tool. For a stroke survivor , it sure beats a laptop. In weight and size alone makes them transportable. But the bells and whistles makes them extra special.

We tend to be technophiles in this house. If there is a new techno gadget out there, we'll have to try it out. More on my husband's part than on mine. I prefer to wait until they get most of the bugs out before I buy although I will go to my nearest store and play with it.

Prototyping a Tablet Application for the Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients

Dean Reinke
Deans' Stroke Musing
Monday, August 19, 2013

Good luck, there is already lots of competition out there. I've already written about 19 for the iPad and 11 for the iPhone.

Richard Hable, Evolaris Next Level GmbH
Elisabeth Pergler, Evolaris Next Level GmbH
David Ram, Tyromotion GmbH


Modern tablet computers come with touch sensitive displays, which make them suitable for recognition and evaluation of finger movements. This paper describes the design and development of a prototypical iPad application, which uses this capability to support therapeutic exercises for stroke patients. It is shown how this concept differs from existing stationary solutions, and how the prototype is used to explore the suitability of such a solution for stroke rehabilitation. Experiences from first user trials are described, which indicate willingness of patients and therapists to embrace the new technical possibilities, although challenging research tasks remain to be solved on the way to a proven professional solution.

See the original article:

In the Hospital

Amy Shissler
My Cerebellar Stroke Recovery
Jul 13, 2012

Hospitals are so much fun.  It took me a while to really understand what happened to me.  When I was in the hospital and had been told I had a stroke, I didn’t get it.  I just knew I could barely speak.  I started comparing myself to everyone I knew that had had a stroke, which you sooooo cannot do.  I even compared myself to my dog.  My dog, Cassie, had a stroke a year before I did.  I think I’m the only person in the history of mankind that that has happened to.  I’m so unique! :) 

Anyway, I remember saying “Cassie still has deficits.”  I compared myself to a dog.  Ummmm.  I also asked for the English version of Rosetta Stone.  My dad bought me an iPad for in the hospital and I had gone on the internet and found something by a woman who had a stroke and recovered her speech using Rosetta Stone for the practice of speaking/pronouncing things.  So I asked for it, I had no idea.  It wasn’t for me, but I think it can be useful for some people.  Months later my dad found this hilarious and said to me about asking for the English Rosetta Stone – “you didn’t forget the English language!”  I’m a big fan of Tosh.0 and I was watching it in the hospital one day and Tosh had on an interview that I’ve seen since and was so obviously not real but at the time I thought it was.  My brain was not working right.  Aside from that viewing of Tosh.0 I had on TBS for a month straight.  That was my channel of choice in the hospital.  One of the biggest things I remember is for a long time it was extremely uncomfortable to turn my head.  Not tilt it, just turn it.  I remember being in my hospital bed and trying to look at everyone and it was awful to look to my right or left.  That’s still not a favorite of mine but NOTHING like it used to be.  Ahh, the good old days. :)

See the original article:

Stroke Recovery With an iPad

Jeff Porter
Stroke of Faith
Thursday, October 03, 2013

Back about 15 years ago, I used a educational toy called a Geo Safari to help me bring back some language skills after my stroke, in addition to speech therapy.

Now, moving 15 years to the present, current stroke survivors can use even cooler technology. I ran across one story how a support group uses iPads to help stroke survivors regain function:
"The applications are on my laptop," [Suzanne] Hill said. "I'm on it most of the time. There are 15 applications that I can use. I just enjoy it so much. There's no chore to any of this for me." 
Indeed, some of the apps are games, such as Scrabble or connect-the-dots. Some resemble putting the user back in an elementary school classroom, such as viewing a picture of a dog, then selecting the letters from an alphabet jumble to spell d-o-g. 
"I have limitations on my right side," Hill acknowledged. "My right hand is not so flexible, (but) my typing skills are coming back."

See the original article:

Culinary Arts

Pamela Hsieh
Rehab Revolution
28 January 2013

By the way, in case any of you were wondering how Anthony’s and my New Year’s Rouxbe compromise has been going, it’s been chugging along swimmingly.

While I do feel like I’m at the grocery store now every other day (if not every day) -- which is actually quite nostalgic for me as that’s what life in Europe was like! -- and kitchen cleaning is of utmost urgency now, I have truly rekindled my love for the culinary arts.

Friday, Anthony and I made Alaskan cod with basa sauce and quinoa. It was soooo good!

Gender-Specific Driving Etiquette

Jackie Poff
Stroke Survivors Tattler
A woman is driving  at night on a narrow country road. At the same time, a man is driving in the opposite direction on that same road.

When they narrowly pass  each other at high speed, the woman rolls down her window and loudly  shouts:

    Donkey !!!

Immediately the  man shouts back:

    Bitch  !!!

The man  laughs. He is proud to have reacted so quickly to the shouting  woman and takes the next turn in the road, maintaining his  speed.