Saturday, December 08, 2012

Article: Gary - Everything You Are Is In Your BRAIN ...

Gary - PEI Stroke Recovery

Would you like to find out more as well as have a deeper understanding of how stroke can effect our brains?

Watch this very interesting video to learn more ...

(SSTattler: Change YouTube "Quality", lower right i.e. the symbol "gears", and change to 240p or or 360 or 480p and then the picture from poor picture to good).

Our brains are amazing parts of our bodies. In fact, brains can also learn and adapt. If you or someone you know or love has been affected by stroke, you need to learn about HOW to teach the brain.

Lets start with a well written book: "The Brain That Changes Itself" (now available on Kindle).

Follow with another of my favourite books on the topic of stroke "Stronger After Stroke".

And now lets get to work: "Stroke Nation"  (Stroke Nation can help through it's growing library of videos available to you, no matter where you live. The video library is available on their You Tube channel) Stroke Nation Video Library.

In conclusion of this post I also want to introduce you to "StrokeLink" What is StrokeLink?

It is an application (App) available only for Apple products at this time to help: "StrokeLink empowers stroke survivors throughout their care journey by providing knowledge and self-care tools to bridge the gaps in care delivery. It provides a comprehensive toolkit of health reference material and a powerful tool for rehabilitation designed to guide and actively engage patients as they recover and regain independence."

(SSTattler: See also Article: SSTattler - SPEAKEASY (Stroke Network Speech Language Pathologists))

If you can, check out StrokeLink and take it for a spin. I would LOVE to know what you think by leaving a comment . Thanks!

If the content on this post is helpful to you in any way, I would also LOVE to know. Please leave a brief comment to let me know. Thanks!!!

You can also sign up (top Right of this page) to be notified by email whenever we post to our blog.


Gary Stroke survivor since 2002

p.s. Please visit our Facebook pages: "PEIStroke Recovery" and "My Life After Stroke"

See the original article Everything You Are Is In Your BRAIN ...
                                in Prince Edward Island Stroke Recovery

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