Saturday, March 28, 2015

‘Would you like a cheese sandwich?’ #strokerecovery

Kate Allatt
Stroke Recovery Tips
March 21, 2015

Now be honest, are you so busy with juggling the balls of your own life – work, kids, partner, home, family etc – to be able or willing to care about for the needy and vulnerable people on our society?

Truthfully, this was perhaps a bit more like me pre-2010 – although I did a few charitable fundraising challenges and donated my skills to a local charity, before my own D-Day!

It may be the case that you care but struggle cope with others vulnerabilities, fragilities or mental health issues, so you steer a course away from the ‘said’ damaged individual?

Perhaps, you are selfish narcissist and are solely focussed in pursuing your own personal fortune and agenda? Sadly, there are quite a lot of people like that in the world.

Maybe, a your friend or relative who actually kindly visits you, but then is only able to offer patronising ‘sympathy’ or asks, ‘would you like a cheese sandwich?’

If you are lucky, a friend or relative will offer true ‘empathy’. You know when a caring friend says, ‘I have absolutely no idea how you must be feeling right now, but I’m here to listen and support you, if YOU want.’

But better still, is where someone offers you ‘altruism’.

So what is altruism you ask?

Well it was put perfectly by Matthieu Ricard in a recent TED talk. He said,

‘The wish for others to be happy and to help them find the cause of their happiness.’

Helping others find a way to cope positively benefits not only the ‘recipient’ but will make the ‘giver’ equally as happy.


I Am Still The Same - Self help stroke recovery tool

Internationally published author ‘Running Free’ (Amazon) .  Speaker –  Founder Fighting Strokes

Kate’s story in 2 minutes

See the original article:

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