Saturday, June 02, 2012

Eclectic: Regina - Helping our Brain — Part Two of ELLA

Eclectic: Regina
By Regina Price

It is amazing to participate in courses to learn new things and expand our brains.  Two years ago in the fall, I found out about ELLA — Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association.  Two people were talking about ELLA at a table at Sherwood Park Mall at an organization fair.  I had never heard about ELLA before, they talked about the courses coming in May of each year.  At first, I thought that the timing wasn’t very good because it was gardening time for gardeners and my garden was so important to me and my healing. 

Although I wasn’t a senior (65+), I was qualified because I was older than 50. I had my brain aneurysm when I was 52 so the people at the table said I could go if I was interested in learning new things.  I went home and looked at ELLA on my computer and became very excited and enthused. Website: and I found out these things about ELLA:
  • The organization is volunteer driven and everyone interested in the courses needs to become a member of the organization ($20.00 a year).
  • The courses were in the Education Building at the University of Alberta (I completed my Master’s degree in the building and I was used to it).
  • Every person can take 4 courses if they want (or 3 or 2 or 1 if one isn’t able to do 4) for about $225 (it could cost less if you write a letter about your disability).
  • The courses run for 3-weeks in May every year -- for many years now.
  • Every year there are so many different courses — people would enjoy going to new courses every year.
  • You don’t need to write any exams or papers — it is for interested, enthusiastic people and the instructors are retired or current professors or other competent professional people.
  • You can take a bus to the University or drive and park at different parking locations near the education building (parking costs about $70.00 for the 3 weeks).
  • Besides meeting new interesting people in courses or spare time, there are luncheon meetings where we can eat and listen to other speakers talking about interesting things.
  • There are also two events—a lunch and wind-up party during the ELLA courses (which are do-able it you have some extra money).
I was so excited about the ELLA organization and became a member that fall.  In February of the following year, I picked my courses and was very happy that I was going to school again.  I also got my parking pass paid early so I could park close to the education building.  Then I waited until the start of May.  The first year was very exciting;  the second phenomenal (See different kinds of ELLA courses --part 3 -- next week). I will keep going to ELLA courses as long as I am able.

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