Saturday, January 11, 2014

Video: Dystonia and Stroke

Dystonia Documentary by Ryan Murphy

Uploaded on May 17, 2011

Dystonia Documentary Dystonia Movement Disorder Cervical dystonia spasmodic torticollis Blepharospasm Oromandibular Spasmodic dysphonia Laryngeal Focal writer's cramp

Standard YouTube License @ dystonia2025

Dystonia Simplified and Demystified

Uploaded on Apr 12, 2010

Dr Donnica discusses Dystonia on GMA Health "Dystonia Deconstructed"

Standard YouTube License @ AmericanDystoniaSoc 

Basal Ganglia part 1: Anatomy and Function

Uploaded on Aug 11, 2010

This is a presentation on the basal ganglia, an area of the brain, highly involved with fine motor processing. Areas within the basal ganglia are decreased during Parkinson's disease and other conditions involving motor dysfunction. As a student in Chiropractic school, I am presenting this topic to the Neurology Club on campus.

Chiropractic Neurologists work to understand the vast nervous system of the human frame, and learn how to effectively restore areas of dysfunction by applying different forms of natural stimulation and chiropractic techniques.

With the most up-to-date research in the field, we know that the brain is plastic, and has the ability to change and adapt to the stimulus it receives. Functional (Chiropractic) Neurologists seek to increase functionality in areas that are weak. Many people have already had amazing stories of restored function and renewed health due to their competent practitioner. Although no two people are alike and no two neuronal systems respond the same way to the same stimulus. Therefore, treatment is highly induvidualized. Often it can be very difficult to pinpoint root causes of a person's pain or dysfunction.

What I love about this profession is the passion embedded in finding root causes of a person's pain, as opposed to treating a patient's symptoms. Through proper care, diagnosis, and imagination, we can enhance our treatments to better suit our patients, and give hope to those who have none.

Standard YouTube License @ Ben Glasman

WARNING: Graphic Medical Procedure - Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy Surgery

Published on Jul 27, 2012

Standard YouTube License @ gillettechildrens

Newest Symptoms Bilateral Basal Ganglia Stroke

Published on Apr 29, 2013

Secondary parkinsonism and dystonia rapid progression after being left for dead in indonesia. I was given a bad scuba tank and had a stroke two hours after the dive. i was actively stroking for two days on the porch of my bungalow. My story is public on fb;

Standard YouTube License @ dystoniaify

Toastmasters Speech #1 Who Am I Now?

Published on May 6, 2013

I have secondary parkinsons and dystonia due to a stroke from a bad scuba tank. I joined toastmasters to improve my speech so that I can one day be a motivational speaker, educator and life-coach.

Standard YouTube License @ dystoniaify

Dystonia | Jeffrey's Story

Published on Mar 13, 2013

After being diagnosed with the movement disorder, dystonia, at a young age, Jeffrey underwent deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery at Johns Hopkins Medicine to manage his symptoms. Hear from Jeffrey, his neurologist, Dr. Zoltan Mari and neurosurgeon, Dr. Frederick Lenz. Learn more about the Johns Hopkins Movement Disorder Center at

Standard YouTube License @ JohnsHopkinsMedicine 

Dystonia Treated with Surgically Implanted Pacemaker

Uploaded on Aug 14, 2008

Approximately 125,000 Americans suffer from dystonia. The condition is a result of the brain firing abnormally, sending impulses of electricity to muscles that causes them to contract constantly. The treatment Veronica's doctor, UCLA neurosurgeon Dr. Antonio DeSalles, recommended was to surgically implant a pacemaker device to stop the impulses and block the transmission of electricity to the muscles.

The procedure involves first implanting the electrodes and threading the wires into the patient's brain. A second operation connects the electrodes to a compact generator. The pacemaker is then programmed to battle the brain. More at

Standard YouTube License @ UCLA Health

Crooked Twisted Neck Cervical Dystonia Spasmodic Torticollis

Uploaded on Mar 8, 2007

Spasmodic Torticollis (ST), and/or cervical dystonia, is a neurological condition thought to originate in the basal ganglia portion of the brain. A disturbance in the balance of chemicals produced in the brain may be responsible. Most doctors have never heard of it. Thus, many people are mis-diagnosed. 1-888-445-4588

Standard YouTube License @ STDystonia

The Bank

Published on Apr 4, 2012

Having a neurological episode at the bank is SO much fun.

PS. If you find yourself laughing... don't feel guilty.

Standard YouTube License @ toocheyfilms

Myoclonus Dystonia DBS Surgery

Published on Jun 26, 2013

Hi this is footage of my deep brain stimulation surgery that was done on the 10/5/2013, its been 7 weeks and am so grateful for the outcome, hope you enjoy the footage, thought I would put it on here so if it helps anyone then thats a bonus.

Standard YouTube License @ Jaclyn Duncan 

Dystonia Exercises - Dr Patrick J. Hogan and Mikki Townshend

Published on Oct 5, 2012

Breathing techniques, stretches and exercises for cervical dystonia.

Standard YouTube License @ 7589g8e4444he4 

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