Saturday, January 04, 2014


Amy Shissler
My Cerebellar Stroke Recovery
Dec 30, 2013

I was told recently by someone who knows me and that reads my blog that I seem like 2 different people. I didn’t like that. I’m not as angry and pissed off as I come across on this blog. When you hang out with me in person I’m actually quite pleasant and really funny. I’m a joy to be around. But I’m hurting right now. I’m hurting pretty badly. And the medical community made my pain much, much greater than it needed to be. So I get angry and instead of hitting people I vent on my blog. It’s much more healthy to vent than to hit. I’m hurting a lot but I’ve turned it around and managed to help a lot of people because of my pain. I wouldn’t say that makes this worth it but it helps.

See the original article:

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