Saturday, September 21, 2013

Neurogenesis in the Brain:
       A Talk by Professor Richard Faull

Sunday, September 15, 2013

You will need to see if your medical staff understands this and what they are doing to incorporate this knowledge into your stroke protocol. How the hell else are they going to get you to 100% recovery?

SSTattler: This is an excellent TED Talks!

In this TEDxTalk, Professor Richard Faull talks about his research into neurogenesis in the brain. When the brain matures it doesn’t produce new neurons – at least that used to be a central dogma of neuroscience.  Professor Faull’s research initially into people with Huntington’s Disease and then into models of neurogenesis uncovered a neurogenesis pathway in the brain. His team located the origin of the stem cells that gave rise to the new neurons. This knowledge also had many practical applications. Stimulation and exercise promote this neurogenesis and fit in with our understanding of such activities from other areas of research.

Standard YouTube License @ TEDxTalks

See the original article:

1 comment:

  1. I used voice recognition software and substantially restored my short-term memory, many years after I sustained my final a.v.m. stroke. Please contact me, at:

    -Matt Ramsey, M.Ed.
