Saturday, February 02, 2013

Handicap Parking

SSTattler: I thought there was probably few videos about Illegal Handicap Parking (abbrev. IHP). Whoops, I did not understand - there is hundreds of video - make video IHP in many countries (how about Qatar... they have it), fake/borrowed placard (in 
Canada, USA, UK, NZ, ...), fake health issues, "I'll just go for a minute to get coffee", councilman vs normal person, legal vs illegal, ..., and so on. I put the limit is to 15 videos in our site - if you want more just looking in YouTube/Vimeo. The last video you have to see it ;-) - approximate 24 seconds. Regards / John A.

Disabled Parking Permit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A disabled parking permit, also known as a handicapped permit, disabled placard, disabled badge and "Blue Badge, is displayed upon parking a vehicle carrying a person whose mobility would be otherwise significantly impaired by one or more of age, illness, disability or infirmity. The permit allows exemption from street-parking charges in some places and is used to park within dedicated disabled parking spaces reserved for people who have satisfied requirements to receive the placard.


The abuse and/or misuse of disabled parking permits has been identified as a major problem in the US, with some estimates indicating the majority seen on the street are used or obtained fraudulently. The substantial privilege and convenience granted by a permit provides a major incentive to use one illegally or obtain one fraudulently, and medical privacy law often confounds attempts to identify truly disabled individuals from abuses. Abuse most often occurs under the following circumstances:
  • A non-disabled driver using the vehicle, plate or placard of another person who is disabled without transporting that person. This often occurs with family members of disabled people.
  • Forging a physician's signature on the form submitted to the motor vehicle department.
  • Bribing a physician to submit the form for the motor vehicle department.
  • Feigning or exaggerating the subjectively felt symptoms of a medical condition in order to convince a physician to submit the form.
  • Exploiting a physician's naiveté about the requirements to obtain a permit for a medical condition that does not qualify for a permit. A frequent example is cognitive or psychiatric conditions (especially children of the driver), which in all but two states does not qualify for a permit, but physicians often do not know any better and submit the form anyway.

See the full article Disabled Parking Permit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Why Do People Violate Disabled Parking?

Simple question: "Why do people choose to violate handicap parking"?

Standard YouTube License @ TheWheelsofShame's channel

Driving Me Crazy: Handicap Parking Spaces

Join host Chris Sheridan on a quest to solve the ancient mystery of handicap parking spaces by deciphering curious hieroglyphics and obeying no-fly zones. -- "Driving Me Crazy"

Standard YouTube License @ Chris Sheridan

Illegal Handicapped (fake) Parking Placards

(San Francisco) California State Assembly member Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) says illegally produced handicapped parking placards and the misuse of legal handicapped parking placards are leaving disabled Californians without a place to park.  Assembly member Ma says she wrote Assembly Bill 144 to help law enforcement stem the problem. AB 144 reduces the abuse of disability placards by allowing local authorities the option to crackdown on the illegal misuse with citations and penalties instead of with misdemeanor arrests.

(SSTattler: Skip the end of the part of this unless you want see body piercing, ...!) 
In this interview with Time Warner Cable Local Edition Assemblymember Ma discusses AB 144, as well as her legislation to establish health standards for body piercing and body art.

Standard YouTube License @ AssemblyAssets's channel

New Handicapped Parking Law

A mother of two children with disabilities in Concord, California channels her frustration with people taking disabled parking spaces in a possitive way. Her idea is turned into a new California law by Assemblymember Mark DeSaulnier.

Standard YouTube License @ AssemblyAssets's channel

Scope Volunteers Help Spot Handicap Parking Violators

You might want to think twice the next time you're in a hurry and consider using that handicapped parking space near the front of the store. Washington State has nearly doubled the fine for illegally using a handicapped parking spot. KXLY4's Jeff Humphrey reports

Standard YouTube License @ KXLY4 News

Handicapped Parking and Placard Abuse

Courtesy of our friends at WTNH ABC 8 New Haven.

Governor Jodi Rell is cracking down on those who park in handicapped parking spaces when they're not supposed to. The DMV is out with a report on ways to strengthen enforcement of handicapped parking.

Standard YouTube License @ IDSA Defense-Ability

Hilarious Musical Parody about Handicapped Parking Abusers

Yes, this piece is funny.. however, also a very sad truth because in reality there are SO many people out there who are consistently abusing and taking the handicapped parking spaces when they have no disability except maybe being Morons, which just like being fat, lazy, old or just considering yourself privileged for whatever reason, is NO excuse!

In some parts of the country there is very active and strict enforcement of these types of parking violations, with fines up to $300, however for those who commit these types of abuses, DONT be surprised when you come back to your car and find that all 4 tires are flat, your ride has been KEYED, a sideview mirror is busted or theres some other type of damage...  in fact, if I SEE YOU doing something like this, I just might dump about a half pound of sugar in your gas tank, youve been Warned!

Standard YouTube License @ IDSA Defense-Ability

Disabled Placard Tickets - People Behaving Badly

Stanley Roberts rides along with San Francisco's parking and traffic control officers as they look for people abusing disabled parking placards.

Standard YouTube License @ Stanley Roberts

Why Do Able Bodied People Use Handicapped Parking Passes?

Helen talks about able bodied citizens that take advantage of handicapped parking stickers and passes.

Standard YouTube License @ TalkRadio 920 WHJJ

Drivers Flout New Disabled Parking Rules 

        - We Catch Them (in New Zealand)

Motorists unlawfully parking in mobility spaces on the day tougher fines came into force had a variety of excuses for their actions yesterday.

The Herald spent some time observing drivers at the Westfield shopping mall in St Luke's, Auckland and in one case saw a motorist carrying a number of shopping bags returned to his vehicle.

Most approached declined to give a reason for parking where they were but others gave excuses including, "picking someone up," and "waiting."

When new rules came into force yesterday, the fine for people who park illegally in an on-street mobility impaired parking space jumped from $40 to $150.

New Zealand Parking Association chairman Colin Waite said: "It is infuriating for disabled people to see people abusing these special parking spaces and the tougher fine should significantly reduce the problem for them."

The only motorists allowed to use these parking spaces are people or drivers whose disabilities meet a strict criteria and who cannot walk unaided, or have difficulty in walking and are displaying recognised parking permits.

Standard YouTube License @ The New Zealand Herald

Handicapped Parking Dispute

Standard YouTube License @ FOX Toledo

Handicap Parking Abuse

In downtown Winston-Salem NC, there is (or at least was) an interesting situation regarding parking. In the area around the courthouse/federal building/jail, almost all of the on-the-street parking spaces are (coin-operated) metered. It is the policy of the city of W-S that if you park in one of these spaces AND you display a handicapped tag, you park in those spots all day long WITHOUT having to re-feed the meter. Actually, without feeding the meter AT ALL.

We thought this was interesting, since we noticed that almost every parking spot in that rough area was occupied by a car displaying a hanicapped permit, that had an expired meter, so we recorded the cars parked there. This gave us an idea of what cars to look for, because it was usually the same cars day after day. THEN we shot video of the drivers of those cars, and observed their relative level of mobility. The observations were interesting, to say the least. This story was produced and aired in 2007. At that time, the city of W-S discussed changing the policy, but not action was taken in the immediate 2 year period afterwards. I do not know if any action was EVER taken.

Standard YouTube License @ tvdavey's channel

Handicap Parking Spot Guy -- Really Bad Guy!!

Raw Video from a Real-Life Local News Team in Action.

Standard YouTube License @ Brian Ely Media

HandiCap Parking Abuse (of many)

They have more 20's YouTube video ILLEGAL HANDICAPPED PARKING with in San Antonio Texas. One example:

Standard YouTube License @ Handicapped Parking Abuse

Handicap Parking -- Very Funny and Very Short.

(SSTattler: I guess many people NEED a handicapped parking!)

Standard YouTube License @ NarutoRT

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