Saturday, January 05, 2013

Article: New Header + Stat's for 2012 + ...

1) New Header for the Lead-Article

In January 2012 the lead-articles is one per YouTube and that is it!  This year, 2013,  I changed the header for the lead-article, formerly called "YouTube" article, to include some necessary ideas:
  1. Important reason is to tell people the Saturday News is going to happen today.
  2. Include a definition using Wikipedia, frequently possible,
  3. Include YouTube, Vimeo, and coming new video format,
  4. Include articles i.e. text in various forms .pdf, .doc, .LyX, ...
  5. Include pictures i.e. pic in various forms .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff, ...
The emphasis is video but (1) to (4) are all optional.

This is the header:

The old header maybe used for other uses:

2) Statistical Unique-Vistor for the Year 2012 in the Weekly and Monthly

For weekly in Jan/01 started approximate 20 UV and goes up Dec/31 220+ UV (this last week partly include Jan-2013 - mark by the red segment).  The conclusion - it goes up approximate 10 times per year 2012.  See also the Last Week Statistic for Google Analytics.

For Monthly it smooth the curve but the data is about the same - Jan/01/2012 to Dec/31/2012..

3) Separate Preview Files "Preview 2013" and "Preview 2012"

At the start of Preview 2013 (i.e. ▶ Preview Next Saturday News) it has a link to:
See the whole Preview 2012.

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