Saturday, April 02, 2016

Headline Blog: Mixed Transcortical Aphasia

Definition: Blog (noun). Add new material to or regularly update to a blog. (≃1990s: blog shortening of weblog)

1 comment:

  1. My Husband once suffered from stroke for eight years, that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain,he could not move his left hand and leg, and it was always shaking. we have gone different palaces without any solution, I have contacted different doctors, And he has used different medication, then we found a doctor from Canada, and I contacted him about my husband issue. He sent us his medication which my husband took for two months, during the period of him taking it, he started regaining back his fitness, and his heart beat became normal, and all the blood vessel start working very happy for my husband.
    You can contact the doctor on
