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Dr. Beagle C. Cranium Stroke Survivors Tattler |
Today, the last Wikipedia/YouTube, we have:
It is difficult symptoms for M.T.A. because it is very rare. I've got some YouTube on M.T.A. but it is the bottom on my list for over a year, and simply, I could not find any more. So, I will publish anyway - I hope it is useful to at least some people.
Next week have a simple article and the last article for SSTattler:
- Apr/09/2016 - Weekly Index from Jan/01/2011 to Apr/2016/02
It is a copied from ▶ Weekly Index & Future and we have indexes for 5 years every week from Jan/01/2011 to Apr/2016/02 except during summer holidays (July & August).
In early January 2011, I set my goal for to do something useful at least for +/- 5 years on the web. I got blogspot from Google and my site is stroke-survivors.blogspot.com (and shorten to stroke-survivors.org).
At first it is awful i.e. not useful at all, but in early January the thought the title is "Saturday News" and might be useful indeed! January 28, 2012, I published Saturday News Broca's Aphasia - Sarah Scott plus Saturday Comics and three stroke articles. Today, SSTattler published every week, usually about 30 articles+/-, except during summer holidays (July & August).
On February 1, 2015, I read Ground Hog Day on My Happy Stroke by Grace Carpenter. In her article, she said "On this anniversary, I'm going to make it official: I'm taking a break from blogging...". Her blogs from February 2, 2010 to February 1, 2015 - exactly 5 years.
Hmm, her statement is very nice because I was a bit tired as well for SSTattler. So, I set my goal to quit the next year, 2016, enough is enough and my goal to the end SSTattler June 25th / 2015 - total is 5 years and 6 months.
Usually, I take the flight to Ottawa to see my kids sometime during July / August but this April thru May four events happen (in the near future):
- My daughter and her boyfriend bought a house in Fort McMurray (it is 5 hours by car north-north-east from Edmonton) and they invite me to see there new digs,
- My wife is going to PEI (Prince Edward Island) for a conference about stroke... and I'll come with her as well, of course,
- My son & his wife has the second baby, Evie, 4 months old. We have to visit in Ottawa to see the new baby!,
- Minor details but I have minor surgery and will take approx. 2 days +/-.
Holy man, I think there is more 1) typing SSTattler, 2) surgery and 3) simultaneous travel, 1 car & 2 flights across the continent, at least for me. I decided that I will shorten the time to Apr/09/2016 - Weekly Index from Jan/01/2011 to Apr/02/2016/ and that is the end of SSTattler.
Total == 5 years and 3 months. I will keep the site up until the end of December / 2016.
Total == 5 years and 3 months. I will keep the site up until the end of December / 2016.
I loved to generated the weekly SSTattler with great Guest Bloggers and lots of articles Headlines with Wikipedia & Video and, maybe, some person will do it for the future...
Tiny History
- I started stroke-survivors.blogspot.com in January 2011 with no title and very few ideas of how to generate something useful for stroke survivors. At least I could shorten the html to stroke-survivors.org (stroke-survivors.com cost lots of money!!).
- My second problem after my stroke is aphasia - my english grammar is relatively awful. I can not generate the number of (correct) articles needed by day or by the week etc. I needed other authors but where are they...
- Useful articles from Sharon (my wife), and a few free from the internet but there is a hole somewhere and I have to fix it but how... ?
- General format is OK but it is a there is nothing good about it, to actually have readers to read my web site for stroke survivors. There a bunch of articles with really no point at all.
- At the first year, at least, I could generate some goals:
- The title is going to be Stroke Survivors Tattler,
- I added to History of Tattler. (Great from the student The IHS Tattler - Getting Type Laid Since 1892 in Ithaca, New York and now tweet @IHSTattler),
- I added to New to Stroke (legally) borrowed by Stroke Survivors of Ottawa.
- Jackie Poff came in the first author, mostly she was the Jester and later she found Canadian Rick Mercer Report.
- Install Analytics from Google - great statistic and free if you needed only simple stats - I like free stats! BTW - Analytics vs Blogspot are different but not better vs worse - I used both of them.
- On January 7th 2012 , Sharon (my wife) told me about comics for stroke! I added 4 Comics For Better and For Worse (Grandpa Jim had has a Stroke - 88 strips), Dilbert, Garfield and Pickles.
- On Saturday Comics - March 31st / 2012 - I added "fuzzy" image for the cartoons and www.gocomics.com said it is "no problem".
- On first Eclectic Stuff - April 21st / 2012 - the banner from various other sources.
- In May 12th / 2012 I added Gary Gray - PEI Stroke Recovery - maybe it is more than local Edmonton, maybe Canada, maybe USA, maybe UK, ...!
- In April 16th / 2012 Dean Reinke - Deans' Stroke Musing and he says You can copy my article(s) to SSTattler if you want to... and I did every week!
- Next there are Rebecca Dutton, Barb Polan, Diane, and Marcelle Greene (in the correct order) up to October / 2012. Now there many Guest Bloggers for SSTattler...
- Professional guys have a) topic about a stroke and b) written a good book(s):
- Jo Murphey - The Murphey Saga told me to do:
- a) Make the list much longer for Guest Bloggers. Well, I did that:
- 49 entries (33 have there own site, e-mail for the rest),
- Count heads == Writer i.e. make $$ - 14, Ph.D. - 9, journalist - 5, youth - 3, died - 3, fake face Guest Blogger picture - 3 (including 1 cartoon!), doctors - 2.
- b) For long article (probably more than a half of the screen) make the rest "Read more ===>>". Thanks Jo - I did that as well!
- Please, take a look at ▶ All Guest Bloggers by Country. There is 49 entries for my list Guest Bloggers & E-mail from Amy to Zeitgeist.
- There is a 10 nice pictures on the right column Books & Kindle... and correct link to Amazon.com.
- I found Wikipedia and YouTube for the stroke topic for my headline:
- Wikipedia is free and huge compared to Encyclopædia Britannica,
- Mostly 99% YouTube is free as well and they use Standard YouTube License; you have to watch the 1% it is, maybe, not free.
- On November 22, 2014 I added Weekly Columnists. They have every week some article, often the topic is close to the headline. Musing (Dean), Sunday Stroke Survival (Jo), Caregivers (Diane), Jester (Jackie), TED Talks (TED), Rick Mercer Report (Rick), Tadpole Update (SSTattler), Laid-Back Admin (Beagle), and Comics.
- In January 2015 included the tweet @StrokeTattler handled by Sharon. It is flying!
- On April 25, 2015 I added Headline Blog:.. banner to do the headline vs Eclectic Stuff.
- During 2015 sometimes the articles is to big to handle the whole Saturday News, Headline Blog, Eclectic Stuff, ..., etc i.e. between 30 to 35 articles and up they did not work (mostly technical stuff). On January 7th / 2016 I changed to Eclectic Stuff on Wednesday (published on Wednesday 6:00pm MT) and it does work flawlessly.
Dr. Beagle C. Cranium and John C. Anderson
Thank you so much for getting our words out to those who need to hear them. I appreciate all the work your endeavor took. BTW, I'm at about 6.5 years for barbpolansrecovery, and aiming to keep going until I can use my hand to row again. That'll be Mission: Accomplished. Bye-bye.
ReplyDeleteI realize I am slow to figure this out! But so sad to see this post---- John, you've been a great help and inspiration to me and Bob and so many others! I hope after you take a break and you will do something like this again. Best Regards, Diane (my blog, for what it is, is still going --)