Saturday, April 09, 2016


See the article: 
   Laid-Back Admin: Stop Publish Stroke Survivors Tattler Apr/09/2016.

Saturday News| Topic For 2016                           
Apr/02/2016  | Mixed Transcortical Aphasia
Mar/26/2016  | Environmental Enrichment (Neural)
Mar/19/2016  | Anomic Aphasia
Mar/12/2016  | Speech Repetition
Mar/05/2016  | Accessible Housing
Feb/27/2016  | Webcomics
Feb/20/2016  | Spasticity
Feb/13/2016  | Learning Disability
Feb/06/2016  | Reading Comprehension
Jan/30/2016  | Neuroregeneration
Jan/23/2016  | Global Warming
Jan/16/2016  | Bobath (NDT - Neuro-Developmental Treatment)
Jan/09/2016  | iPad Pro & Apple Pencil
Jan/02/2016  | Emotional Recovery

Saturday News| Topic For 2015                            
Dec/26/2015  | Christmas - A Cappella Quartet / Quintet
Dec/19/2015  | CADASIL Syndrome
Dec/12/2015  | Stroke and Dementia
Dec/05/2015  | Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)
Nov/28/2015  | Pediatric Stroke
Nov/21/2015  | Tie Two-End Shoelaces with One-Hand?
Nov/14/2015  | 3D Printing
Nov/07/2015  | Blood Pressure
Oct/31/2015  | Dr Oliver Wolf Sacks
Oct/24/2015  | Fish Oil (i.e. Omega-3)
Oct/17/2015  | Robotics for Stroke Survivors
Oct/10/2015  | Power Nap
Oct/03/2015  | Neuronal Death
Sep/26/2015  | Agraphia
Sep/19/2015  | Alternative Medicine
Sep/12/2015  | Statin
Sep/05/2015  | Medical Cannabis (Marijuana)
Aug/29/2015  | Steadward Centre - 2015
Jul-Aug/2015 | Summer Break 2015 (articles ordered by date)
Jun/27/2015  | Solitude
Jun/20/2015  | Cavernous Hemangioma(aka Cavernous Angioma, or...)
Jun/13/2015  | Sexuality and Disability
Jun/06/2015  | Bicycle Sharing System or Repair Yourself or...
May/30/2015  | Sticky Keys & Keyboard Shortcut
May/23/2015  | Falls in Older Adults in Stroke!
May/16/2015  | Receptive Aphasia (or Wernicke or Fluent or..)
May/09/2015  | Treadmill Desk
May/02/2015  | 2015 Neuro Film Festival
Apr/25/2015  | Assistive Technology
Apr/18/2015  | Expressive Aphasia (Non-Fluent Speech)
Apr/11/2015  | Dry Needling
Apr/04/2015  | Ataxia (Lack of Coordination of Muscle Movements)
Mar/28/2015  | Medical Tricorder / XPrize
Mar/21/2015  | Decompressive Craniectomy
Mar/14/2015  | Aphasia (Speech Disorders)
Mar/07/2015  | Sleep Deprivation
Feb/28/2015  | Speech-Language Pathology
Feb/21/2015  | Referred Pain
Feb/14/2015  | Wearable Technology/Computer
Feb/07/2015  | Sitting Too Much?
Jan/31/2015  | Occupational Therapy/Therapist
Jan/24/2015  | Stroke
Jan/17/2015  | Passion for Skiing
Jan/10/2015  | Google Search & Knowledge Graph/Vault
Jan/03/2015  | Physiotherapy / Physical Therapy

Saturday News| Topic For 2014                            
Dec/27/2014  | Mindfulness
Dec/20/2014  | GoPro
Dec/13/1014  | One-Hand Typing with Your Cell Phone
Dec/06/2014  | Cholesterol
Nov/29/2014  | Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Nov/22/2014  | Cognition
Nov/15/2014  | Physical Exercise
Nov/08/2014  | Ebola Virus Disease
Nov/01/2014  | Sciatica
Oct/27/2014  | Plavix (Clopidogrel)
Oct/18/2014  | Darts
Oct/11/2014  | Fitbit Inc.
Oct/04/2014  | Telemedicine
Sep/27/2014  | Running after Stroke
Sep/20/2014  | Anosognosia (Denial)
Sep/13/2014  | Toastmasters International for Stroke Survivors
Sep/06/2014  | Caregiver
Aug/30/2014  | Steadward Centre - 2014
Jul-Aug/2014 | Summer Break 2014 (articles ordered by date)
Jun/28/2014  | Dragon Naturally Speaking
Jun/21/2014  | Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Jun/14/2014  | Sailing with Disability - Paralympics
Jun/07/2014  | Green Wall & Gardening in Restricted Spaces
May/31/2014  | Dvorak vs Qwerty
May/24/2014  | Sailing with Disability - Cruising
May/17/2014  | Art of Memory
May/10/2014  | Fatigue
May/03/2014  | Sailing with Disability - Introduction
Apr/26/2014  | Obesity
Apr/19/2014  | First Year - Rick Mercer Report
Apr/12/2014  | DIY - Tadpole (Recumbent 'cycle)
Apr/05/2014  | Bonsai
Mar/29/2014  | 2014 Neuro Film Festival
Mar/22/2014  | Social Network - BlogTwitterFacebook?,...
Mar/15/2014  | Understanding Lip Reading
Mar/08/2014  | Neuroplasticity
Mar/01/2014  | Balance
Feb/22/2014  | Why Use Wikipedia in Stroke Survivors Tattler
Feb/15/2014  | Snowshoes for Stroke Survivors
Feb/08/2014  | Music Therapy
Feb/01/2014  | Cartoons "For Better or For Worse"
Jan/25/2014  | Anti-Gravity Treadmill
Jan/18/2014  | Standing-Up Desk for Stroke Survivors
Jan/11/2014  | Dystonia and Stroke
Jan/04/2014  | Probiotics - Good For You?

Saturday News| Topic For 2013                            
Dec/28/2013  | Cerebral Angiography
Dec/21/2013  | The Best of 2013 Stroke Survivors Tattler
Dec/14/2013  | Brain Gate & Brain Implant
Dec/07/2013  | Urinary Incontinence
Nov/30/2013  | Dysarthria (Motor Speech Disorders)
Nov/23/2013  | iPad for Stroke Survivors
Nov/16/2013  | Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA) or Emotional Liability
Nov/09/2013  | Video Games for Rehabilitation
Nov/02/2013  | Eye Tracking
Oct/26/2013  | (Non-Invasive) Brain–Computer Interface
Oct/19/2013  | EEG - Electroencephalography
Oct/12/2013  | MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Oct/05/2013  | X-ray Computed Tomography (CT Scan)
Sep/28/2013  | Power Wheelchair
Sep/21/2013  | Mobility Scooter
Sep/14/2013  | Service Dogs & Therapy Dogs
Sep/07/2013  | Stand-Up Comedy for Stroke Survivors
Aug/31/2013  | Steadward Centre - 2013 (re-publish & update 2012)
Jul-Aug/2013 | Summer Break 2013 (articles ordered by date)
Jun/29/2013  | Lacunar Stroke
Jun/22/2013  | Walking a.k.a. Ambulation
Jun/15/2013  | Visual Art
Jun/08/2013  | Yoga As Exercise or Alternative Medicine
Jun/01/2013  | Golfers with Disabilities & Golf Carts
May/25/2013  Recumbent Bikes - ICE (Inspired Cycle Engineering)
May/18/2013  | Sublaxation - Sling Shoulder (or not)
May/11/2013  | 2013 Neuro Film Festival
May/04/2013  | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Apr/27/2013  | Lokomat Robotic Therapy
Apr/20/2013  | Traumatic Brain Injury
Apr/13/2013  | Raised-Bed Gardening
Apr/06/2013  | NuVinci Continuously Variable Transmission
Mar/30/2013  | Mediterranean Diet
Mar/23/2013  | Tai Chi & Qigong
Mar/16/2013  | Powered Exoskeleton
Mar/09/2013  | Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.
Mar/02/2013  | Assistive Cane & Walking Stick (or Poles)
Feb/23/2013  | Pain in Your Brain
Feb/16/2013  | Botulinum Toxin (Botox)
Feb/09/2013  | Segway PT (Personal Transporter)
Feb/02/2013  | Handicapped Parking
Jan/26/2013  | Wheelchair Curling
Jan/19/2013  | Games to Develop Your Brain
Jan/12/2013  | Ulu Knife
Jan/05/2013  | Aneurysm a.k.a. Hemorrhagic Stroke

Saturday News| Topic For 2012                           
Dec/29/2012  | Kickstart !
Dec/22/2012  | I'll will tell you later! ;-)
Dec/15/2012  | Dining with Dignity (Disability Etiquette)
Dec/08/2012  | Epileptic Seizure Can Happen In A Stroke.
Dec/01/2012  | Para-Alpine/Nordic Skiing
Nov/24/2012  | Health at Google
Nov/17/2012  | Depression
Nov/10/2012  | tPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator)
Nov/03/2012  | Stanford - Mini Med School
Oct/27/2012  | Functional Electrical Stimulation
Oct/20/2012  | Introduction: AFO for Foot Drop
Oct/13/2012  | Locked-In Syndrome
Oct/06/2012  | Pre-Natal & Kids Had Stroke
Sep/29/2012  | Understanding Atrial Fibrillation
Sep/22/2012  | Swallowing (Dysphagia)
Sep/15/2012  | Stroke Survivor Takes First Swim
Sep/08/2012  | The Teaching of Talking
Sep/01/2012  | Steadward Centre
Jul-Aug/2012 | Summer Break 2012 (articles ordered by date)
Jun/30/2012  | Paralysis and Spasticity
Jun/23/2012  | Sleep Apnea
Jun/16/2012  | InteRACT & Aphasia
Jun/09/2012  | Stem Cell
Jun/02/2012  | Hemispatial Neglect
May/26/2012  | Oliver Sacks: Musicophilia-Strokes,Language and Music
May/19/2012  | Sexuality after Stroke
May/12/2012  | Face Blindness(Prosopagnosia) <---- duplicate
May/05/2012  | Face Blindness(Prosopagnosia)
Apr/28/2012  | Caregiving
Apr/21/2012  | One Handed Typing Options
Apr/14/2012  | Crestor & Lipitor
Apr/07/2012  | Cognitive Therapy + Exercise Relieves Stroke Fatigue
Mar/31/2012  | Recumbent Bike -- Human Powered Vehicle
Mar/24/2012  | Rejoyce - Rehabilitation Devices for Stroke
Mar/17/2012  | Myvoice, Clot Retreival, and Migraine Sufferers
Mar/10/2012  | Trevor's Brain Was Almost Cut In Two ...
Mar/03/2012  | How It Feels to Have a Stroke?
Feb/25/2012  | Device for the Leg and Device for the Hand
Feb/18/2012  | Moya Moya Disease
Feb/11/2012  | What IsThe Single Best Thing We Can Do for Our Health
Feb/04/2012  | Driving a Vehicle After a Stroke
Jan/28/2012  | Broca's aphasia - Sarah Scott
Jan/21/2012  | Jennifer Drawdy's Stroke Testimonial
Jan/14/2012  | One Handed Shoelace Knot
Jan/07/2012  | A Real-Life Experience -- Lynn Johnston
Jan/01/2012  | Living With Aphasia: Carrie Lewis’ Story

Saturday News| Topic For 2011                           
Apr-Dec/2011 | Fall 2011
     **      | Administration Files 
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