My Background
I fell down walking across the bedroom floor that morning, May 21, 2006. I called to my wife, Sarah asking for help to stand up. She was already on the phone dialing 911 and answering the questions, drug use, high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, All were negative. The paramedics came and asked the same questions mainly because there was this healthly looking 50 year old lying on the floor with some stroke symptoms. I spent the next 4 weeks in HCMC - Hennepin County Medical Center. In the Emergency room I received tPA, the clot busting drug, within the hour. I did not get the immediate miracle so the doctor said I would have to settle for the slow miracle recovery. I had Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy while there. Deficits from the stroke were left side paralysis. Mental cognition, eyesight and speech were not affected. By the time I left the hospital I could walk with a 4 point cane and AFO - Ankle Foot Orthotic. This occcurred the day after returning from a strenuous 6 day whitewater canoeing trip on the Dog River, Ontario (23 miles and dropping 1050 feet with a 1.5 mile portage around a 120 ft. waterfall) and driving for 12 hours to get home ...Read the full article Dean's Stroke Musing - My Background.
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