Wednesday, March 09, 2016

If Nothing Else, This Story Could be a Stroke Prevention Reminder

Jeff Porter
Stroke of Faith
Thursday, March 03, 2016

I don't know what to make of this - could daylight saving time increase your risk of stroke?:

▶ "Looking at over a decade of stroke data, we saw a temporary increase in stroke incidence after daylight saving time transitions," Ruuskanen told CBS News. "Although from an individual point of view, this small increase in stroke risk we see in a population level is probably not a major issue, the study emphasizes the importance of sleep disturbances as a risk factor for stroke."

▶ There was no difference in stroke risk after two days. 

▶ This year, clocks will "spring forward" for daylight saving time on Sunday, March 13.

I can't believe that changing clocks are causing strokes. It has to be something else. The research doesn't isolate a cause, just an interesting possible correlation.

Still, let this be a reminder about engaging in stroke prevention - just follow this link to more about that.

See the original article:

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