Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday News

Contents of This Week Saturday News:
Speech-Language Pathology is a field of expertise practiced by a clinician known as a Speech-language pathologist (SLP), also called speech and language therapist, or speech therapist, who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of communication disorders and swallowing disorders. A definition from Wikipedia and video clips from YouTube / Vimeo.

Definition: Speech-Language Pathology

Speech-Language Pathology
         From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Speech-language pathology is a field of expertise practiced by a clinician known as a Speech-language pathologist (SLP), also called speech and language therapist, or speech therapist, who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of communication disorders and swallowing disorders.

The components of speech production include: phonation, producing sound; resonance; fluency; intonation, variance of pitch; and voice, including aeromechanical components of respiration. The components of language include: phonology, manipulating sound according to the rules of a language; morphology, understanding and using minimal units of meaning; syntax, constructing sentences by using languages' grammar rules; semantics, interpreting signs or symbols of communication to construct meaning; and pragmatics, social aspects of communication.

Swallowing disorders includes oropharyngeal and functional dysphagia in adults and children and feeding disorders in children and infants.

The Speech-Language Pathology Profession

Speech-Language Pathologists provide a wide range of services, mainly on an individual basis, but also as support for individuals, families, support groups, and providing information for the general public.

Video: Speech-Language Pathology

Contents Speech-Language Pathology

  1. Want to be a Speech-Language Pathologist?
  2. A Few Examples (Many More in YouTube) ... 
  3. Some Useful Tools by Many Stroke Patients

1. Want to be a Speech-Language Pathologist

So You Want to be a Speech-Language Pathologist

Published on May 20, 2013

This short video highlights the day-to-day activities you might expect to encounter when you are a Speech-Language Pathologist.

Assess and treat persons with speech, language, voice, and fluency disorders. May select alternative communication systems and teach their use. May perform research related to speech and language problems.

For more information about this career, including what you might earn, visit

For more information about planning and paying for college, visit the pages listed below: 
Please visit the Adventures In Education website.

Standard YouTube License @ fafsamadeeasy

Eclectic Stuff

Definition: Eclectic(noun) a person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

Speech and Language Therapist to Trial Innovative new Technology for Stroke Rehabilitation Based on Patient Needs

Dean Reinke
Deans’ Stroke Musing
Friday, October 24, 2014

Something to ask your speech therapist about - Speech and Language Therapist to Trial Innovative new...

Of the 152, 000 individuals in the UK to survive a stroke each year, approximately 20-30% of them will experience slurred speech (dysarthria). Dysarthria is caused by muscle weakness and is known to impact significantly on psychological well-being and recovery after stroke.

The study, led by speech and language therapist Claire Mitchell at Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI), will pilot an app called ReaDySpeech that Claire developed with funding from Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The app is designed to provide patients with a more personalised speech and language therapy, as it creates a tailored programme for each individual. The individual programme will then be adapted based on patient feedback, as they work through the programme, depending on how easy or hard they find tasks.

The app is a step away from the traditional therapy where paper worksheets are used, and can be accessed on any device with an internet or Wi-Fi connection, including tablets, PCs and mobile phones. This allows the patient to have more independence around following their rehabilitation programme.

Allison Brain: Update - December 4, 2012

Robert & Allison
Allison's Brain
Friday, 7 December 2012

Allison has been home for five weeks since her discharge from the Rehab Centre and has gotten into a solid routine. She has been having two speech therapy outpatient sessions at the Rehab Centre, two music therapy sessions at home, and two fitness sessions with a personal trainer at the YMCA each week. Allison also plays piano, works at Sudoku, does speech and music therapy homework, goes for walks, and has been attending a number of musical performances (Welcome Winter, Bach Christmas Oratorio, Metropolitan Opera broadcasts, Orpheus, etc.). She has also enjoyed musical Sunday afternoons at home with friends. We are hoping for more of these musical Sunday afternoons, as Allison’s music therapist says that music, music and music are all important to Allison’s recovery!

Allison’s speech therapist at the Rehab Centre says that Allison hasn’t hit a plateau, and that she is now making particularly good progress at being deliberate with alternate word selection after recognizing that her initial word selection isn’t correct. This is a big difference from when her outpatient speech therapy started a few weeks ago, as at that time Allison used a lot of jargon and her speech was confusing. This morning Allison aced a few speech therapy exercises that she had struggled with previously, to the extent that the speech therapist accused her of showing off for her husband. However, naming objects continues to be problematic for Allison at times.   Regarding Allison’s continuing good humour, the speech therapist says that she’s told her own husband that if she had to have a brain injury she “would want to be like Allison because her good humour gives her about 50% more function.” Unfortunately the Rehab Centre outpatient speech therapy will not last much longer, and we will begin the search for a private speech therapist soon. However, Allison’s speech therapist says she has recommended that Allison begin receiving occupational therapy at the Rehab Centre as an outpatient in the new year, as her communication skills have improved enough that she will now be able to benefit.


Steven H. Cornelius
Music and Stroke
March 13, 2013

This blog recently received a bunch of hits from England. It turns out that four graduate students/speech and language therapists at City University London are doing a project titled, “Blog talk: the impact of aphasia on people’s lives.”

I have mixed feelings on being deservedly selected as one of their subjects.

That said, two days ago I pulled my dictaphone. When I tried to put some music on it, I discovered the flash drive was full.  So, I began erasing old stuff. But not without first listening to it. I came across material dictated while at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in the first weeks after my stroke. It was shocking to hear how I struggled to speak.  Many multi-syllable words were landmines. They tended to explode halfway through and required multiple attempts to articulate.  If I tried to say a verb ending in ‘d’ in the past tense (‘tend’ to ‘tended’), the diction was either mush (‘tendehthh’) or expansive (‘tendededed’).

During the past few weeks, I have been visiting with some stroke patients who have lost all speech. I stay and talk as long as they seem interested, and a long as I can think of optimistic things to say.

See the original article:

Mouthing Off

Marcelle Greene
Up Stroke
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In the beginning I did mouth exercises to counter a drooping smile and slurred speech. Lying in my hospital bed that first week, I practiced my pucker with enthusiastic sucking noises. I filled my cheeks with air and pressed it out in tiny farting bursts. I pursed my lips "Oooohhhh" and stretched my lips "Eeeeeeee." I once practiced this last exercise with such vigor, a nurse checked to see if I was okay.

In rehab my speech therapist fed me crackers to see if I was "pocketing" food between my cheek and gums. I chewed the crackers and opened my mouth for inspection.

"Good," she said holding out another Saltine. "One more time."

"Bwwaack," I said. "Marcelle want a cracker."

I minimized chewing on my left side because my weakened tongue lacked the agility to scoop food out of the corners of my mouth. When chewing I often bit the inside of my lips and cheeks. I haven’t done that in awhile, I think. Then I bite my cheek again.

Swallowing poses hazards. The muscles on the left side of my neck are weak and sometimes food sticks in my throat. I never eat without a glass of water at hand.

Also food doesn't taste as good. For a long time I thought this might be my imagination, but last week the nerves along the left side of my tongue began to reawaken with an electric jolt. Then I realized that half my taste buds have been disconnected from my brain – so no wonder I'm not getting full flavor.

On the upside food doesn't taste as bad either. Guess that's why a few nights ago I was able to eat beets.

See the original article:


Amy Shissler
My Cerebellar Stroke Recovery
July 5, 2013

My speech therapist wasn’t there when I told my student clinician(I do speech therapy at a university) that I’m taking singing lessons.  She was so thrilled when she found that out that she wrote me an email.  Here it is…

Hi Amy,
Sorry I missed you last week; however, I was on vacation with my family in Hilton Head.  I spoke with Emily regarding your session and she informed me that you are now taking voice lessons.  This is great news!!!!  I am so interested to hear how you like them and if you notice any changes in your voice as a result.  There is some research on the use of music / rhythm / Melodic Intonation Therapy in the success with patients who have expressive language deficits as a result of a CVA (aphasia).  As Emily probably discussed with you, music engages the right side of the brain in the production of speech (as language and speech are primarily left brain).  This is also why we utilize “chant therapy” to engage the right brain.   This has been noticed in individuals who stutter (these individuals can sing fine; however, when they speak they may still stutter).  I look forward to discuss this with you further next week, enjoy your holiday!!!!! 
We may have to do a session of Karaoke :0)

Now, a couple of my thoughts.  First of all, I will NEVER do karaoke, ever.  Second, it’s a good thing I chant all the time in yoga.  Third, ok………….I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my speech therapist.  She’s awesome and amazing!  Love her.  However, I’m confused about something.  In a year and a half of going to this speech therapy I have never been challenged to raise my voice high and use a higher pitch.  The reason for this is because I have a lot more control, as does everyone, at lower pitches.  My first day of the singing lessons he had me go as high as my voice could go.  But this is speech therapy it’s not singing therapy.

As Dean said once “The problem I have with Peter is that he is constrained with staying within the approved therapy guidelines. That silo is not where the breakthroughs in stroke will occur.”  No, it’s not.  You have to think outside the box, and try things that you never thought you’d try.

See the original article:

“Workin’ 9 to 5: What a way to make a livin’ ”
         -- Dolly Parton

Barb Polan
Barb’s Recovery
10th October 2012

As you may have noticed, I have some rules for my blog entries: nothing about work/co-workers and no anger or pessimism about anything. As far as I’m concerned, the rules have worked well for me. I want to make an exception today and write about work. I am ambitious in a positive, not cutthroat, way: I have always wanted to move forward from any position I hold, “up the ladder” goes the old stereotype. Only once have I run into a glass ceiling, and that was justified by the owner as, not because I was a woman, but because a guy at the equivalent position in another department was not progressing at the same rate I was. At that company, in the 10 years I worked there, I progressed from cardiology technician to director of marketing. I loved that company until the day it was purchased and closed up; no, I still love it today, although it’s long-gone. The company I currently work for is a weekly community newspaper back where we used to live (before GLO); after progressing from reporter to copy editor to GM, I am now back to being a copy editor and writer there. Given that I was GM before the stroke, my boss and I tried to have me return to that position after the stroke, but my “brain fog” interfered, leaving me frustrated by tasks I knew were easy for me before the stroke. And my agnosia – the inability to recognize my new limitations, both physical and cognitive - left me unable to identify my limitations as an inability to do my job properly. Both my boss and I love to pat ourselves – and each other – on the back for progress made. After I returned, I was pleased whenever I could get back to doing what I had done routinely before the stroke – that was my yardstick for progress. On the other hand, for the paper, it was a giant step backward to return to where we HAD been before the stroke; no progress there. I finally acknowledged that and started giving up well-defined chunks of my responsibilities; I resented it, and it wasn’t pretty. My first OT and my physiatrist both disapproved of me starting to work so soon after the stroke – about a month. The former suggested not going even part-time for 3 months, while the latter said 6 months; perhaps that’s why my re-entry was such a failure. But, man, did I ever love it when my boss hired more than 3 people to cover (he sensitively avoided using the word “replace,” because, he said, I could never be replaced) what I had done before the stroke. Yes, I’m boasting, because, as I said, I love to pat myself on the back. That ability to recognize and appreciate my previous successes has helped me post-stroke – now doing anything for the first time is a reason to do a happy dance (in my heart, anyway, if not for real). This applies to both work and my physical recovery. My yardstick has changed now - firsts now, as opposed to efficiency - but I still expect to continue advancing. I have defined myself as a writer since I was a child. That goal was quashed by my parents, who considered writing a hobby – like oil painting – not a profession. Being a doctor or lawyer was a profession. Now, though, writing is my primary focus, my profession. For me, it brings the satisfaction my husband has always had with his work. He frequently has said, “I can’t believe they pay me for something I would do for free.” That now applies to me, although I really don’t get paid much. Toward the end of the summer, I attended a picnic for stroke survivors with aphasia – trouble with language. It ranges from people who have to relearn what all those squiggles on the paper are to those who cast around in their heads searching for the correct words as they are speaking. Aphasia is generally the result of damage to the left side of the brain, which means that survivors who have hemiparesis on their right sides are those who often have language limitations. Despite all the bad things that the stroke did to me, I do appreciate something about the particular stroke I had - it was on the right side of my brain, so: (1) my language skills were left intact – except for slurred speech as the stroke was occurring - and (2) I lost the use of my non-dominant side (i.e., I am right-handed and lost my left side,) instead of my dominant. At the aphasia picnic, I met a woman who had started her career as a Spanish teacher. Two months before her stroke, Marian had been promoted to be the principal of an elementary school. I don’t know how effected her language skills were, but at the picnic, her speech seemed fine to me. She had made the same mistake I did: she returned to work (as a principal) too soon, and the job was beyond her. Two weeks after we met, she was scheduled to return to teaching Spanish. Ironic, I think, for someone with aphasia to teach a language because it is easier for her to do than her former job.

See the original article:

“Therapy” Without Insurance

Rocky Mountain Stroke Survivor
Posted on March 19, 2013

Many people with stroke have such devastating injuries that they feel blessed to be able to feed themselves.  Cerebellar stroke is a little different.  I can move everything, do everything…just in the wrong place and at the wrong time.  And when I fatigue I can’t get messages through.  It’s not that I’m weak…it’s that the communication between my brain and body is off.

Because of this quirk of cerebellar stroke, I simultaneously feel really guilty for complaining and also generally misunderstood.  In general, the best therapy I can have at this point is to do coordinated movements over and over and over.  Compared to someone with a more normal stroke, this is easy.  Compared to how I was before, this is very, very hard work!  Because I’m cognitively fine, I also find activities like tapping cups or cones (common occupational therapy) not only boring, but somewhat irrelevant.  I learn tapping cups very quickly…but tapping cups isn’t what I need to fully function.  Cognitively speaking, I can function as a doctor but I need to practice language and memorization and could probably due to improve my focus as well.  Playing computer games just doesn’t do it for me.

A few weeks back I started an art therapy class at the local non-profit stroke center.  It was an amazing experience!  I have never been noted for my artistic ability.  My mom’s infamous comment when we were sitting around doing an art project together as a family: “Well, dear…medicine is your art.”  But no one at the therapy class cared about my abilities.  It was all about learning to use my hand and being able to express myself in another way.  I’m on a huge tree kick right now.  I’m working on my third set of trees and have several more in my mind’s eye.  Doing the art is exhausting!  I hold my poor, tired hand in my lap several times during the class just to rest it and then need a nap when I get home.  But it is so much fun and has been a huge help in using my hand.

What Motivates Us To Talk

Mark A. Ittleman
Teaching of Talking
Feb 23 / 2015

The Exercise of Conversation:
Speech Therapy for Aphasia

Moshe Mark Ittleman, M.S., CCC/SLP
Senior Speech Language Pathologist
Author and Lecturer

What motivates us to talk?
Many of you know we are on a tour of the country and will be on the road throughout the USA and Canada teaching and sharing The Teaching of Talking Book, Audio program, and our soon to be released Video Training Course. We are now headed west out of Houston for West Texas, Big Bend, and then points throughout New Mexico, before heading back East towards Florida where we will tour Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and then up the East coast to Canada and Nova Scotia. We will be sharing The Teaching of Talking book, audio and soon to be released Instructional video with caregivers, family members, University students, and speech and hearing professionals.

Conversation is Natural and Fun

Yesterday we were at Camping World where we were scheduled to have some adjustments made to the motorhome. We met Kurt outside the gate who had a very friendly dog who jumped out of his truck and jumped up on me (lightly.) Kurt delivered travel trailers and was apologetic for having gotten in line for servicing before us. We had a nice conversation about dogs and esp. his.   Good ole boys, both dog and master.

Conversation is Instructional

Theatre of the Absurd

Grace Carpenter
My Happy Stroke
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Last week I didn't sleep very well. In addition to my usual sleep issues, I couldn't stop thinking about Serena Branson, the TV reporter who had a "neurological event" on the air.

Thankfully, she seems fine. Her doctors say she had a complex migraine, not something more serious.

But last week, as I watched the clip, it looked a lot like a stroke, or maybe a TIA. As her speech descended into gibberish, Neal and I had flashbacks about our own nightmarish event. I was pretty certain that Branson's eyes were telegraphing bewilderment and terror.

So I was even more horrified that I couldn't help myself from laughing about the phrase she uttered, "a very, very heavy burtation."

I didn't really understand the word "absurd" until I had aphasia.

(The New York Times "Well"  blog and the Serena Branson clip is here).

See the original article:

Semantic Paraphasic Errors

The Pink House On The Corner
Saturday, May 24, 2014

This week, Bob passed his 4 week re-evaluation for outpatient PT and was scheduled for another 4 weeks! (Yay!) And he also had an evaluation from a new speech therapist.

I must say it was an interesting appointment and I must say, I do like this ST. She assessed Bob's "main" aphasia problem as making what she called "semantic paraphasic errors". This means that when Bob tries to "find" a word, and chooses a wrong word, this wrong word is in the same category or closely related to word he is trying to find.

For example: when the ST showed Bob a picture of a garden bench, he said "yard".

And when she asked Bob if we had any pets/animals at home, Bob told her "a horse". (Of course, if you ever met Boomer --- well, you know, many people say he's as big as horse!)

She says she has some ideas on how to work on this problem.

And this "semantic paraphasic errors" thing is good for me to know and understand, because now when Bob says a word that doesn't make sense, I know the word he means is something closely related to the word he says. I think just knowing this may help our communication.

She also had Bob working on an aphasia app on her I-Pad. Afterward, Bob told me the I-Pad was "fun". I do wish we could afford one of these for him..... maybe someday!

So! Bob starts speech therapy in June. He will have two appointments each week. And he is looking forward to it.

And to think, his last ST told me, over a year ago, that Bob didn't need speech therapy because he was "functional" enough to let me know his needs with gestures... Before that, the ST had discharged him for "no progress".

So, it's great to find a ST who, finally, wants to work with him. And actually has a diagnosis which is not vague or kept hidden from me (like his first ST who would not tell me the results of her "tests").

And, thank goodness, he's getting financial aid for this from the charity hospital. And they just started offering speech therapy there.  Otherwise, we'd never be able to afford it.

See the original article:

Speech Recovery Can Continue for Years

Jeff Porter
Stroke of Faith
Tuesday, July 09, 2013

I've been convinced that stroke recovery doesn't all happen in the short term - a year or less. In my own  experience with aphasia, it can take years to recover.

Now, I see a Wall Street Journal article about how new therapies help stroke survivors recover language years after injury:
  • Encouraging new evidence is emerging to suggest the brain’s plasticity, or its ability to change and heal, may last many years after injury—far longer than the commonly assumed plateau for speech recovery of about six months to a year after stroke. Insurers, for example, may only cover the cost of one-on-one speech therapy sessions for the first few months.
  • “The conventional wisdom has long been that after a year post-stroke, you aren’t going to get any better,” says Cynthia Thompson, director of the Center for the Neurobiology of Language Recovery at Northwestern University. “But the brain continues to change until you die."
Certainly, in my case, rapid change took place in the first few months after my stroke in 1998 - starting with complete lack of speech back to a career in journalism.

But later, even years later, I would catch incremental improvements. Now, I still have some lasting effects (in my opinion) in the speech department, but I refuse to rule out even additional improvements.

See the original article:

People with Aphasia Should Reset the Bar

Rebecca Dutton
Home After a Stroke
April 3, 2013

Since my stroke I have struggled to find the right word and utter coherent sentences when I'm stressed, barely awake, and tired at night.  A daily calendar called "The Stupidest Things Ever Said" makes me feel better about using the wrong word and saying sentences that don't make sense. The fact that Steve Jobs practiced for ten hours before he made a ten minute speech at an Apple computer convention is more believable after reading the examples below.  When I get embarassed about my ability to speak I try to remind myself to be more realistic.

"I will perish it forever."   Johnny Logan accepting a award

"He has to start a little bit better than he has already begun."   sportscaster David Pleat

"The wind won't make it easier, but it will make it less difficult."   golf commentator Bernard Gallacher

See the original article:

Stroke Rehabilitation - Language

Dick Burns
Live or Die: A Stroke of Good Luck
Friday, June 1, 2012

You're reading number Nine in this series examining the physical problems that stroke survivors must face and conquer as he or she progresses through recovery:  lost movement of body and limbs, lost skills of daily living, meeting the obligations of life.  Please note that we refer to "survivors," not "victims" and always remember that problems can really be opportunities.

Let's first discuss the problems of speaking and understanding language.  The medical tern is "aphasia."  At least one quarter of all stroke survivors experience some form of language impairment.  It may involve the the ability to speak, convey thoughts properly (the brain knows but communication with the mouth doesn't "sync." and the thoughts cannot be conveyed properly),  write or even understand the spoken or written language.  Damage to the left side of the brain (for right-handed individuals and even some left-handed) causes what is called "expressive aphasia" and the individual loses the ability to speak the words he/she is thinking and to put words together in a coherent manner  In contrast, damage to the language center in the rear of the brain results in "receptive aphasia" and people with this disorder have difficulty understanding written or spoken language and often have incoherent speech.  (they may have grammatically correct sentences but the words together are often devoid of any meaning. And the most severe form, called "global aphasia" represents damage to many areas of the brain and people with this complication lose all their abilities to understand language or convey any thoughts.

Sounds pretty awful and daunting but please take it from one who's been there (I guess I had all three):  I'm able to write this blog.  After time I taught and gave presentations and speeches.   Always remember, nothing is impossible if you have hope and the knowledge and willingness to take on one problem at a time, make it well and then move on to the next.

Eventually you'll make everything, and you, well.

Dick Burns    

See the original article:

Climbing that wall – Stroke survivor CLARE! Never say NO!

Kate Allatt
Stroke Recovery Tips
February 20, 2015

SSTattler: This is a LARGE article so you can see at the whole article Stroke Recovery Tips - Climbing that wall...

I have to share with you the most amazing story of grit, determination and desire to feel ‘normal’ again. Hats off Clare. In fact I wrote this response to their blog (below) on Facebook.


What fabulous support too!

You know what resonated with me was the line in the blog:

‘Real freedom to move. Freedom from the wheelchair.’

My best mate said to me one day, ‘if you could walk or talk in life, what would you choose?’

My answer: to walk. Whilst my wheelchair was o important and useful to me in hospital and beyond it represented something I despised.  Just my truth.

‘Christmas portions … a lavish triple helping of blog coming up, to catch up. Next entry will have the exciting (and chalky) start to 2015.

Mid-November’s climb at the Foundry is at the shapely dalmations. Hazel is up high when we arrive, climbing a non-dalmation (trickier) class of holds.

A quick news catch up … the 3 new wheelchair climbers have visited the Foundry twice, success!

And Lasse is doing OK after his bike stunts with Robin, though he’s had his broken collar bone operated on in Germany, and it turns out his shoulder blade is fractured too.

Nick hints at new equipment later, but Clare gets started with a climb on the holds.

... and continue -->

See the whole article:

Purple People with Purpose

Sas Freeman
February 22, 2015

Even pets have fun
I would like to start this week’s blog with a big thank for the wonderful reception and support that last week’s blog ‘Fifty Shades of Stroke’ received.

Already we are almost into March, so May is not far off and as many of you are aware May is the Stroke Association’s ‘Action on Stroke Month’. Please help us to ‘Make May Purple for Stroke’ join in and become ‘Purple People with Purpose’.

How about ‘Fifty Shades of Purple’ for May with the objective of raising awareness in the young?

It has long been thought that stroke is an old person’s condition, there are still too many people out there who believe, as I did, they are too young, healthy, slim etc. How WRONG are we?! I along with many others had my first stroke at a young age.

This is why I believe if we support ‘Action on Stroke’ throughout May, especially with young people getting involved, wearing, knitting, baking or painting it purple, this message will spread wider and louder. The young listen to each other. Parents will also listen, stop and think.

Stroke is closer than you think and CAN be prevented, so by raising this awareness people DONT have to end up as I and others have. That has to be good.

This is all well and good you say, but, what is my idea, I hear you ask? What is Purple People with Purpose?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Weekly Columnists

Sunday Stroke Survival:
         The New Therapist and Dry Needling

Jo Murphey
The Murphey Saga
Sunday, February 22, 2015

I'll bet y'all were wondering about how the new dry needling therapy was going. I haven't done an update since I've started it.

There was no doubt in my mind that my Botox was winding down prior to these treatments. My bicep, pectoral, and radial muscles were cramping and my range of motion was no longer gaining neutral positioning during stretching. That's with my OT at the hospital rehab doing all the work. The spasticity was returning.

My new therapist is a short and muscular sort of man with a cheery disposition. He has a Scottish brogue in his speech with a slight southern accent. Quite charming actually. I can understand why he and my speech therapist married. They share understanding, compassion, a genuine willingness to help others, great sense of humor, and a thirst for knowledge traits. They both are not afraid to tr ew things if it works even if he is NDT trained. People after my own heart. He is also the clinical director of his facility. Anyhow, I like him.

We spent a lengthy amount of time talking about the procedure and the science. Most of it was about documenting the journey, would I mind? Mind, me mind, don't make me laugh. If this works, I'll be shouting it from every rooftop and flooding the internet. He told me that there wasn't much information or documentation about how dry needling works for spasticity for post stroke patients.

I knew that from my own research. He was realistic about the outcome of the procedure and asked if I would mind being video taped for documentation. Eventually, he would get together with other practitioners and publish the results.

Jackie The Jester: Humor to Offend Everyone Again

Jackie Poff
Stroke Survivors Tattler
  • Seven wheelchair athletes have been banned from the Paralympics after they tested positive for WD40.
  • In the first few days of the Olympics the Romanians took gold, silver, bronze, copper & lead. 
  • A boy asks his granny, 'Have you seen my pills, they were labeled LSD?' Granny replies, 'f**k the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?'
  • Wife gets naked and asks hubby, 'What turns you on more, my pretty face or my sexy body?' Hubby looks her up and down and replies, 'Your sense of humor!'
  • The wife's back on the warpath again. She was up for making a sex movie last night, and all I did was suggest we should hold auditions for her part.
  • I've accidentally swallowed some Scrabble tiles. My next crap could spell disaster. 
  • My sister-in-law sat on my glasses and broke them. It was my own fault. I should have taken them off. 
  • I spent a couple of hours defrosting the fridge last night, or "foreplay" as she likes to call it.
  • Bought the missus a hamster skin coat last week. Took her to the fair last night, and it took me 3 hours to get her off the Ferris wheel.
  • The other night, my wife asked me how many women I'd slept with. I told her, "Only you. All the others kept me awake all night!"
  • My missus packed my bags, and as I walked out the front door, she screamed, "I wish you a slow and painful death, you bastard!" "Oh," I replied, "so now you want me to stay!"
  • A Catholic boy in confession says, "Bless me Father, I have sinned, I masturbated while thinking about my sister.” "That's a disgrace," said the priest,"especially when you have two gorgeous brothers."

TED Talks - Charles Limb: Building the Musical Muscle

Uploaded on Dec 1, 2011

Charles Limb performs cochlear implantation, a surgery that treats hearing loss and can restore the ability to hear speech. But as a musician too, Limb thinks about what the implants lack: They don't let you fully experience music yet. (There's a hair-raising example.) At TEDMED, Limb reviews the state of the art and the way forward.

Standard YouTube License @ TED

Rick Mercer Report:
         Corn Shooting,... Thamesville, Ontario

Uploaded on Oct 21, 2008

Corn shooting, crop art and helicopter rides in Thamesville, Ontario.

Standard YouTube License @ Rick Mercer Report

Laid-Back Administration:
         What Happens per Day for 2014?

Dr.  Beagle C. Cranium
Stroke Survivors Tattler

What Happens per Day for 2014?

We publish every week Saturday News, except for the summer, and to take the average for statistics for a whole year (Google Analytics). For specifically 2014, it will add the stats: Sundays / 52, Mondays / 52,..., Saturdays / 52 and yield 7 total of each avgSunday, avgMonday,..., avgSaturday with Unique User. So:
  • Min(avgSunday,..., avgSaturday) = 50.4 UU,
  • Max(avgSunday,..., avgSaturday) = 61.8 UU.
And so we have 55 readers per day ± a tad and the range is 50 to 60 readers ± a tad.

As well, the graph shape for every week it will tell us points below & the graph:
  1. On Saturday day we have new Saturday News and gain to the mildly UU = 54 midnight. (I thought the new Saturday News on Saturday has the biggest UU - it is the next day!),
  2. Climb rapidly (sic!) thru Sunday to midnight 12am UU = 62.
  3. Monday thru Wednesday they will mildly drop to about UU = 58.
  4. Morning Thursday has little bump to about UU = 61. (I’m sure a sent my e-mail "Preview this Saturday News⌘1 early every Thursday morning - if you want it, just e-mail to and I will add you to the list).
  5. Late Thursday to very early Saturday will drop rapidly to UU = 50. And then point (1) to start again...
⌘2 - Statistically wise, stats based 7 to 10 UU probably true, stats based 52 UU is a fact or you can prove me wrong!

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** I tried to get low or free price at the people for the images for the cartoons. It was too high for Stroke Survivors Tattler i.e. we are not a regular newspaper and our budget is very, very low. Fortunately, you will have to do only 1-click more to see the cartoon image, it is legit and it is free using and


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday News

Contents of This Week Saturday News:
Referred Pain, also called reflective pain, is pain perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus. An example is the case of ischemia (inadequate blood supply) brought on by a myocardial infarction (heart attack), where pain is often felt in the neck, shoulders, and back rather than in the chest, the site of the injury. A definition from Wikipedia and video clips from YouTube / Vimeo.

Definition: Referred Pain

Referred Pain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Conscious perception of visceral sensations map to specific regions of the body,
as shown in this chart. Some sensations are felt locally, whereas others are
perceived as affecting areas that are quite distant from the involved organ.
Anatomical terminology
Referred pain, also called reflective pain, is pain perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus. An example is the case of ischemia brought on by a myocardial infarction (heart attack), where pain is often felt in the neck, shoulders, and back rather than in the chest, the site of the injury. The International Association for the Study of Pain, as of 2001, has not officially defined the term; hence several authors have defined the term differently.

Radiation is different from referred pain. The pain related to a myocardial infarction could either be referred pain or pain radiating from the chest. Classically the pain associated with a myocardial infarction is located in the mid or left side of the chest where the heart is actually located. The pain can radiate to the left side of the jaw and into the left arm. Referred pain is when the pain is located away from or adjacent to the organ involved. Referred pain would be when a person has pain only in their jaw or left arm, but not in the chest. Myocardial infarction can rarely present as referred pain and this usually occurs in people with diabetes or older age.

Video: Referred Pain

Chest Pain 3: Referred Pain

Published on Aug 30, 2013

SSTattler: See as well Pain 1: Physiological Types of Pain.

Queen's Meds 115: Family Medicine Chest pain: part 3 of 4

Standard YouTube License @ MjSylvesterMD

Eclectic Stuff

Definition: Eclectic(noun) a person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

Referred Pain

Amy Shissler
My Cerebellar Stroke Recovery
November 21, 2014

Referred pain is tricky.  Referred pain means another area of the body hurts than the part of the body that is actually messed up and causing the pain.  So your shoulder or fingers might be bothering you but it’s really a neck problem.  But your neck might not hurt at all.  Your hips or toes might hurt but it’s a problem at your low back.  When your internal organs have a problem you might get pain in a weird place.  There are things called dermatomes.  A dermatome is an area of the skin that corresponds to a specific spinal segment.  If you have an issue with sensation at one of these places on your body, like it hurts, or it’s hot, or it’s cold, or it’s numb….it tells your therapist that something might be wrong with corresponding spinal segment.  Or it might not mean that.  Here’s a dermatome chart.  I got this picture here.

There are also myotomes.  Same idea but with muscles.  If something is really weak, like your finger or toes or quads or biceps or whatever, you might have a problem at the corresponding spinal segment.  Or not.  Here’s a myotome chart.  I got this here.

Hypothalaumus Connectivity Changes in Cluster Headaches

Bill Yates
Brain Posts
23rd April 2013

Cluster headaches are a relatively rare but serious pain disorder.  Unlike the female-predominant migraine headache, cluster headaches occur predominantly in men.  These headaches tend to be acute in onset and affect only one side of the head.

The term cluster describes the typical chronological pattern of these headaches.  The tend to occur regularly for days or weeks and are then separated by periods of remission lasting months or years.

Attacks typically last between 15 minutes and 3 hours. This type of pattern makes cluster headache a good candidate for imaging studies conducted during and between attacks.

Qui and colleagues from the People's Republic of China conducted a brain conductivity study in a series of male subjects.  The key elements of the design of the study included:
Subjects: 12 male right-handed men between the ages of 19 and 46 off medication with a control group of 12 right-handed men without a history of cluster headaches 
Imaging sequence: Case subjects completed two fMRI scans.  One was done during an acute attack and a second scan was completed at least four hours after an attack but during the cluster period.  
Imaging protocol: Resting-state functional connectivity with focus on the hypothalamus, a brain region linked to cluster headache in previous studies.

Does Reaching a Plateau Really Happen?

Rebecca Dutton
Home After a Stroke
February 13, 2015

Regaining a skill eleven years after my stroke made me wonder why I believed in plateaus when I was an OT.  In rehab, a plateau means recovery has stopped.  Here are four factors that changed my belief about recovery after a stroke.

What Has Changed.
  1. Brain plasticity will blow your mind. Click here to learn how an adult's brain grows new stem cells every night and makes them migrate to where they are needed.
  2. New technology includes brain stimulation with magnets and muscle stimulation with biofeedback.  To learn about NeuroMove click here.
  3. People who have a stroke as young or middle-aged adults have higher expectations placed on them that people who have strokes in
  4. their 70s and 80s.  Family members cannot maintain their own health if they do everything for a disabled adult for decades.  Assisted living where assistance costs extra is an expensive long-term solution many families cannot afford.  Necessity can drive progress.
  5. Blogging allows stroke survivors to share their triumphs.  I know my continued progress is not unique.

What Perpetuates the Myth.  Therapists see clients for days or weeks.  This small window is suited to orthopedic cases like hip replacements because bones and muscles repair themselves fairly quickly.  Brain recovery takes longer because the brain is so complex.  Therapists do not see the progress stroke survivors make in the next stage of rehab (e.g. out-patient) or after therapy ends.

The Alternative.  Using the word plateau shuts down the conversation.  "Will I get better?" is an opportunity to ask if there is something a client wants to do.  Here is something I wanted.  I have baby-fine short hair so I need a good haircut.  Before I sit down in a beauty salon chair I have to back up and then straddle the wide footrest.  The chair was initially an obstacle to having a good hair day so I never get tired of defeating it.  Challenges that pushed my continued recovery were walking backwards, twisting my trunk so I can reach far behind me to grab the armrest, and sitting down with my feet 18 inches apart.

The Bottom Line.  Skill acquisition can stop because of our beliefs as well as our abilities.  My progress has slowed over the years, but I have repeatedly seen new goals spur new gains.  This evidence has changed what I think will happen to me.

See the original article: