Saturday, April 06, 2013

Turning the Corner at Rehab, and then, um, ER

The Pink House On The Corner
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Remember this very long railing at Rehab?

Yesterday, they got Bob to...

Turn the corner! Whoo hoo! and I'm clapping and taking pictures, because
it does mean he is putting more weight on that right side and
he was very scared at first, I was so proud.... but then....

He didn't feel well, so the PT took his BP which scary high plus his
heart rate was really high and we ended up over at the Emergency Ward
where his oxygen was really low....

Where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and they wanted him kept
in the hospital, but he insisted on going home..... and who can resist that face?
Certainly not me... So he's home now on antibiotics.

Never a dull moment, here at The Pink House....


Barb Polan March 26, 2013 said...
Feel better, Bob! And please take care of yourself too, Diane.

Grace Carpenter March 26, 2013 said...
Keep well, both of you.

J.L. Murphey March 27, 2013 said...
Keep your chin up both of you. I run into the same problem with my hubby all the time, he refuses to be admitted to the hospital after two years of being admitted more times than out of the hospital.

I will admit having him home is easier than having him admitted. He makes the following question to the doctor, "What can you do for me that I don't have at home?"

Oxygen, he's got that. Monitoring, he's got that and better than in the hospital. Drugs, write a script. People qualified in his care, with a wife and two daughters as nurses, he's got that. One especially trained in emergency nursing and one with hospice.

The doctor's response, "We're here if you need us."

Diane, this has been one of the easiest captha for me to read and type that I've seen in a long time. 

Anonymous March 27, 2013 said...
Lots of hugs and prayers for a quick recovery being sent your way for Bob and you. I'm always amazed by both of you.

Hugs & prayers, Dan

See the original article:
        Turning the Corner at Rehab, and then, um, ER
        in The Pink House On The Corner

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