Saturday, June 09, 2012

Eclectic: Monty - Dancing in Prison

Eclectic: Monty
Can you imagine the many hours of training these men endure?  Should keep them out of mischief for some time!  Given some of the information about prisons in 3rd World nations, the cleanliness and modern facility, the 'uniforms' and generally healthy appearance of the inmates is remarkable.

Amazing Dance Though!

What a wonderful way to give these men a different, successful view of themselves.  This may be the first time many of them feel they have any worth...  These dancers are prisoners in the Detention and Rehabilitation Center in the Province of Ceb in the Philippine Islands. The dances are obligatory for all of the 1600 prisoners except the old or the sick.  (By the way, The sound comes from a Michael Jackson song).

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