- Delete all data before early March / 2011 Stroke-Survivors.blogspot.com
- and I install StrokerRecoveryaAssoc.blogspot.com
- Start with the first article "Gary's New Truck".
- Sample to SRAE using Joomla on local iMac.
- Presentation to the Board ==> no-quorum!
April / 2011
- Presentation at my condo.
- A few board members came (including Gail Pres., Randy, Gary, Alan+wife, ...).
- Board agree.
- Bought on April 22/2011:
- domain=StrokeRecoveryEdmonton.ca
- 1 year host=CloudAccess.net
- Joomla! more sophisticated and many features (and I'll have to learn):
- banners, hierachy include blogs+list+categories+..., (sub)menus,
- iFrame (e.g. calendar), permission (author, editor, ...) ....
- Use Joomla 1.5.
- Keep "Gary ..." article March (but not include the Newsletter).
- Put in "Alan ..." article April (but not include the Newsletter).
- I tried various menus ...:
- Very flexible. Easy to change.
- The section/categories -- I'll have to think a lot! -- right now they murky.
- Newsletter conflict about publish or not -- Sharon vs Gail.
- Keep on typing -- I'll stay out of "politics".
- Put the whole NewsLetter May.
- Article "Akira ..." is the first front-page.
- Include smaller article(s) given by Sharon (mostly from internet).
June / 2011
- NewsLetter June:
- Article "Jackie ..." is the first front-page.
- Ditto - Include smaller article(s) given by Sharon (mostly from internet).
- Change to Joomla! Version 1.6.
- First try v1.6 on my local iMac.
- Perfect. Goes in very easy, simple.
- Works for 3 days; minor bugs but easy fix.
- Call Cloud Access to change to v1.6 - it takes about 1 day.
- Perfect -- same minor bugs.
- Ahhhhgg - 2nd day - the front-page doubles each article i.e. it shows
- "Fraser Wins the Cup", next article is:
- "Fraser Wins the Cup"
- No obvious software bugs.
- Maybe bugs hardware??? Call Cloud Access to re-install.
- Same problem.
- Call Cloud Access to re-install old v1.5.
- Try the Board to change e-mail format (like Comp.Sc. UofA).
- They disagree -- they want Name, Title, (cloak) e-mail and that is it.
- Implement their style.
- E-mail the Members with Name, Title, (cloak) e-mail:
- Include them or not - Vote yes/no to the end of the month.
- Many members said yes.
- One member said no and take it off the list - I did.
- Six members say it is very +'ve.
- I include Board+Members Name, Title, (cloak)e-mail.
- Insert Gail article and Prochazka article.
- Board has new sub-committee to approve or not:
- I think it is silly.
- My rule is to do-nothing/write-nothing until approved/not.
October / 2011
- Sharon says: "I am resigning from the SRAE Media Committee"
- I.e. she won't write the Newsletter.
- Convert Stroke-Survivors.blogspot.com to Stroke-Survivors.org.
- Cost $10 USD / year.
- Blogspot works as well.
- Google owns bloodspot.com; they don't use ".ca"; ".org" is OK.
- sub-committee is very, very slow!! So far I received 1 article & 1 Newsletter in November.
- Met Gail & Wendy came to my house for approx 2hrs; good meeting. They asked me to do:
- Change front-page to only 3 static articles (DONE):
- Header - "We are an active community ..." - static.
- Left - "Stroke Community ..." - static.
- Right - "Our Next Monthly ..." - updated each month - semi-static.
- Change to News (DONE):
- It is "dynamic" (Joomla has only dynamic@"front-page" but I can implement with the blog).
- Deleted "International".
- Removed login/logout - absolutely nobody used it (DONE).
- Turn off an article "How to do an Author, ...".
- Change "Board & Members" back to "Board Members" (DONE).
- In the last 3 months has no e-mail activity by the non-Board people, as well, I have the old list.
- Removed "YouTube Links" (DONE):
- I started the links but I requested proper organize the articles, sub-menus, etc.
- Nobody is available to do it.
- Removed sub-menu "Statistics" (DONE):
- I like statistics but the everybody else does not - ahh well.
- But I can use "Google Analytics".
- Removed "Learn About Stroke" menu (DONE):
- Many sub-links start to break in SSAO.
- Maybe Gail or the sub-committee can talk to SSAO or repair it:
- e.g. Dale Lynch - dalelynch@yahoo.com
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